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Dr. Kerbal

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Everything posted by Dr. Kerbal

  1. To be honest. All I need to see is the Kerbal sysytem. Like my mind is struggling to imaging what like Eve would look like, or golly. Or Bop. Or even a asteroid! I’m just so impressed.
  2. I think if Take 2 said they break their promise on releasing on PS4 and Xbox One it might hurt their sales. And that would be bad. Players wint want to buy KSP2 and you know.
  3. I’m just curious to know if there will be a dev diary for the planets in KSP2. I’m just curious on how many new planets there are. And what they look like. I also want to see the original KSP planets like Eve or Minmus. You know. I’m just curious I after seeing pre alpha gameplay I mean, I just can’t imagine how wonderful the planets would look. I mean Jool looks like it like in real life!
  4. Annd as a bonus I play on consoles so I play on older versions of KSP. I got to every planet and moon in 4 moths and I think i even got the ESA update and patch 13 or whatever.
  5. Hey. Why cant we use ore to make parts. It just seems logical. I mean its ore right? Doesn't it mean it contains resources used to like make science experiments and fuel tanks??? Its mining, and thats where all parts logicall y come from metal to pieices of metal to parts to space parts in ksp Yes that would be nice. and please have more accurate meunver nodes. Please!!!!!!!!!!! And please add 7 symmetry. I find it strange not being there.
  6. Some games just dont need any loot boxes or in game purchases. And KSP2 and KSP is on of them. And it goes agianst KSP's motto, making physics fun. And loot boxes ona planet arent real.
  7. Nope. its the doctor reporting! I guess. Hm. Who sould I gues... @Snark
  8. I guess so. Im just saying that KSP2 is running on unity. With a few enhancements here and there and wa la. Unity may notbe the best, buts its enough. I actully. Dont have anythingt o say about this. No comments about this on me anymore.
  9. Thats what a mean. A really good high end game engine that can slay krakens. Imagine, it would be funny if we found a Kraken in KSP2.
  10. hey before this is released to consoles, please fix the issue that spinning really fast teleports you a bajillion meter away from Kerbin. Its not realistic. And also in physical time warp crafts will sometimes explode in the water when landing even at 3.4 m/s. Please fix that too.
  11. I'm assuming KSP2 will need a better game engine. Again, KSP was first made as a simple projects. Keep that in mind.
  12. Its possible to play the game with no mods. Just play it in consoles. then you will see how cool stock can be. I play consoles!!!
  13. So I can expect it to come out for consoles when Summer comes.
  14. Why do I always respond!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????????????????????? I guess @MisgiudedKerbal just to break the loop.
  15. NOPE. IT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I GUESS SOUPTIME
  16. It would be back for Take Two just to break a promise. i mean, lots of consoles players are expecting it on PS4 and XBox1. Since 2019. IT ALSO MIGHT HURT THERE SALES DEPENDING.
  17. Sorry to spill the beans but no. It the doctor. I guess... Hm. Who should I guess. You? Nah I guess... I’m having a hard time. Will it be @Souptime????
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