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Dr. Kerbal

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Everything posted by Dr. Kerbal

  1. Hi Bye Hi Bye hi bye hi bye hi bye We have been writing garbage and important stuff my dudes. Just completing the mission. Filling the pages.
  2. The Alpha Version is available! Go here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/469599182/
  3. I personally ,lay think that hey should release on the PC first. First direct download then on STEAM download. Then on consoles. But most KSPp console players play on PS4 and XBox1 (most recent). And plays KSP hasn’t been released on PS5. So the public’s expectations is for it to be released on PS4 and XBox1. Maybe later than PS5. It’s would hurt for making money because some people might not get KSP2 if it is not avalable on the same consoles as KSP. This is true. But most KSP console players are on these old tech so...
  4. Hey. Why don’t the developers kf KSP2 tell us what’s done like, Movement, Mehnver anodes, Planets, you know?
  5. Help! Help! Help! Help! I have nothing else to say. This is not an emergency call. Just trying to waste space to complete our mission!
  6. Hi! I can’t believe it’s 2021! Man, 2020 was sure a rolocoster...

  7. I’m really confused. I’m just gonna sit on a chair and think about it.
  8. H h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h hh h h h h h h h h h Just H s.
  9. I can’t believe you have this update PC players! Good for you! Look forward to playing it on consoles. I hope though that the Krkaen and bugs don’t get in the way of playing.
  10. I made it to Moho! I’ve gone to every planet except Dres and Gilly. (None of them are return missions)
  11. Hey! Hey! Hey! What is going on with the carpet! Don’t know. I’m just saying random sentences. Oo! I also made it to Pol, Bop, Laythe, Vall, and Tylo. The mission was all fly bys.
  12. I have an idea for your Duna mission animation. More like the story. Hehe. AnimatedK what if along there way to Duna when they extend there solar panels one of them breaks on the journey to Duna. The solar panels would be vital cause they supply all the poster in the ship. And maybe when going home they dock with a mother ship (like apppolo style mission). But the docking ports don’t work! This would turn a twist of events! And make the animation a bit exciting and keeping the audience att the edge of their seats! I don’t know. It’s just a suggestion. But please try to keep the audience at the edge of their seats! I think it would be more interesting! And please add some funny things. again! Just a suggestion!
  13. After playing a messing with the game I realized because my PS4 needed a reset and some of the save files were corrupted. They just needed to be deleted!
  14. I will post updates and tips occasionally or daily. Maybe even hourly. Follow to revive everything updates.
  15. Welcome! Just saying, I am here to help.
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