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Dr. Kerbal

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Everything posted by Dr. Kerbal

  1. Your supposed to ask something! Who is the mad scince this of Kerbin!
  2. Thanks. I know this because I play the console version and it really flawed or even worse sometimes with the DV measurements. That I why said that in the launchpad the craft has to have 3,333 DV or less. Because of the DV miscalculation. There isn’t much I can do about this. I could suggest this to the developers for better calculations.
  3. Can you do this challenge?! I think it’s pretty neat!


  4. Got it! THE 3,333 Meters of Delta V Challenge Welcome to the 3,333 meters of Delta V challenge. Im Dr. Kerbal and this is my third challenge I have submitted to the KSP community. In this challenge you are directed to build a craft in the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) or the Space Plane Hanger (SPH) with 3,333 meters of delta v or less. How far can you go? To the Mun? Duna? Eve? There are no weight limits on the craft or any size constraints. However you may not use any modded parts. Please use stock Kerbal Space Program parts (any parts from DLCs such as Making History and Breaking Ground are allowed). In the following paragraphs I will state and clarify more rules to make this challenge easier to participate in. You may ask, how do we calculate the Delta V. The delta v for each craft varies depending on each plant and space above a certain celestial body. Well, if you are reading this paragraph thank you. I will now list all the requirements and calculation of delta v. As I stated in the first paragraph your craft has to have 3,333 meters of delta v or less. However it needs to have 3,333 meters of delta v or less on Kerbin sea level. So on the launch pad or runway the Delta V readout must be 3,333 meters of delta V or less. Even if your craft has 4,567 meter of delta v in orbit above Kerbin but has 3,333 meters of delta v or less on the ground (Kerbin Sea Level) you are not breaking the rules. To sum it all up as long as your craft has 3,333 meters of delta v or less on sea level your craft is not breaking the rules. Propellers are very useful for flying in Kerbal Space Program. Please use stock propellers on your craft though. You may use a propeller whether electric or powered by fuel. However I would like to put some restraints on the electrical propellers. Since electric propellers can rechange using electricity this breaks the 3,333 meters of delta v challenge and purpose. I will allow propellers in the challenge however they can only be used 1,200 meters over sea level. This means you can use propellers under the altitude of 1,200 meters of delta v above sea level on any planet or moon. Once crossing the 1,200 meter line you have to drop and terminate your propellers. Weather decoupling them or destroying them. Since some people may ask about Ion engines and that they have unlimited fuel they don't. They need electricity and XENON GAS which is limited. So I will allow Ion Engines. Since you could propel yourself with tires, magneto boom, or robotic parts and create trust you could theoretically go up or create thrust. I will not allow these items to be used as trust to reach your destination. You may use these parts for experiments or rovers to explore your destination. Yes, you may bring science experiments on the challenge. May sure they don't serve any use for trust for your craft. You may not use Kraken Drives. Because Kraken Drives can give almost infinite range it goes against the 3,333 meters of Delta V challenge. So please no Kraken Drives or exploiting glitches. No use of the cheat menu. Accessing the chat menu could give you infinite fuel or hacking the gravity. Please don't use these things. No cheat menu. Like though you may use colliding into terrain to get rid of excessive waste. Like in Stratzenblitz75’s submission by gaining more delta v by getting excess mass. But for those who don't want to do that you have decouplers used to stage your rocket. You may use gravity assist off of any planet or moon. I will allow this and you can make unlimited gravity assists if you want. When it comes to mods there are some that enhance a ship and some that add planets and some that are shaders. I will only allow mods that enhance gameplay, shaders, Kerbal engineer, and the Outer Planets Mod. No Hyper Edit or anything related. You may not bring any way for refueling a ship. This means no ore tanks, drills (unless for science), and converter-trons. And also no cargo. 1.11 has allowed players to attach small fuel tanks to crafts. So you may not be building in space. You may not dock with space stations or other ships to refuel. Actually no docking at all. No orbital assembly either. You may only submit on craft. However if you are attempting an Apollo style landing you may dock with the lander and ship only. Nothing else. You may not spouse 4CS trusted because people might use it to cheat DV read outs. Those are the rules listed above in the 13 paragraphs. Now I will list the 5 rankings. Awesome! You made it to the Kerbin orbit, Mun, or Minmus and returned safely. The Kerbal Award of Cheapness! You made it to Duna, Eve, Ike, or Gilly and made it back safely. The Von Kerman Award! You made it to Moho and Dres and made it back safely. In The Name of the Kraken! You made it to Jool and beyond and returned the crew safely! Impress Me! Impress me with a crazy mission by following this challenge. List of participants, crafts names, and rankings: Edited just now by Dr. Kerbal
  5. Go and participate in a change (which I made) called the 3,333 Meters per delta b challenge today!

  6. 人々が何を思いつくか見るのが待ちきれません! Sorry if the Japanese is bad, using Google translate.
  7. THE 3,333 Meters of Delta V Challenge Welcome to the 3,333 meters of Delta V challenge. Im Dr. Kerbal and this is my third challenge I have submitted to the KSP community. In this challenge you are directed to build a craft in the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) or the Space Plane Hanger (SPH) with 3,333 meters of delta v or less. How far can you go? To the Mun? Duna? Eve? There are no weight limits on the craft or any size constraints. However you may not use any modded parts. Please use stock Kerbal Space Program parts (any parts from DLCs such as Making History and Breaking Ground are allowed). In the following paragraphs I will state and clarify more rules to make this challenge easier to participate in. You may ask, how do we calculate the Delta V. The delta v for each craft varies depending on each plant and space above a certain celestial body. Well, if you are reading this paragraph thank you. I will now list all the requirements and calculation of delta v. As I stated in the first paragraph your craft has to have 3,333 meters of delta v or less. However it needs to have 3,333 meters of delta v or less on Kerbin sea level. So on the launch pad or runway the Delta V readout must be 3,333 meters of delta V or less. Even if your craft has 4,567 meter of delta v in orbit above Kerbin but has 3,333 meters of delta v or less on the ground (Kerbin Sea Level) you are not breaking the rules. To sum it all up as long as your craft has 3,333 meters of delta v or less on sea level your craft is not breaking the rules. Propellers are very useful for flying in Kerbal Space Program. Please use stock propellers on your craft though. You may use a propeller whether electric or powered by fuel. However I would like to put some restraints on the electrical propellers. Since electric propellers can rechange using electricity this breaks the 3,333 meters of delta v challenge and purpose. I will allow propellers in the challenge however they can only be used 1,200 meters over sea level. This means you can use propellers under the altitude of 1,200 meters of delta v above sea level on any planet or moon. Once crossing the 1,200 meter line you have to drop and terminate your propellers. Weather decoupling them or destroying them. Since some people may ask about Ion engines and that they have unlimited fuel they don't. They need electricity and XENON GAS which is limited. So I will allow Ion Engines. Since you could propel yourself with tires, magneto boom, or robotic parts and create trust you could theoretically go up or create thrust. I will not allow these items to be used as trust to reach your destination. You may use these parts for experiments or rovers to explore your destination. Yes, you may bring science experiments on the challenge. May sure they don't serve any use for trust for your craft. You may not use Kraken Drives. Because Kraken Drives can give almost infinite range it goes against the 3,333 meters of Delta V challenge. So please no Kraken Drives or exploiting glitches. No use of the cheat menu. Accessing the chat menu could give you infinite fuel or hacking the gravity. Please don't use these things. No cheat menu. Like though you may use colliding into terrain to get rid of excessive waste. Like in Stratzenblitz75’s submission by gaining more delta v by getting excess mass. But for those who don't want to do that you have decouplers used to stage your rocket. You may use gravity assist off of any planet or moon. I will allow this and you can make unlimited gravity assists if you want. When it comes to mods there are some that enhance a ship and some that add planets and some that are shaders. I will only allow mods that enhance gameplay, shaders, Kerbal engineer, and the Outer Planets Mod. No Hyper Edit or anything related. You may not bring any way for refueling a ship. This means no ore tanks, drills (unless for science), and converter-trons. And also no cargo. 1.11 has allowed players to attach small fuel tanks to crafts. So you may not be building in space. You may not dock with space stations or other ships to refuel. Actually no docking at all. No orbital assembly either. You may only submit on craft. However if you are attempting an Apollo style landing you may dock with the lander and ship only. Nothing else. You may not spouse RCS trusters because people might use it to cheat DV read outs. You can use Kerbals or Probes. Those are the rules listed above in the 13 paragraphs. Now I will list the 5 rankings. Awesome! You made it to the Kerbin orbit, Mun, or Minmus and returned safely. The Kerbal Award of Cheapness! You made it to Duna, Eve, Ike, or Gilly and made it back safely. The Von Kerman Award! You made it to Moho or Dres and made it back safely. In The Name of the Kraken! You made it to Jool or beyond and returned the crew/probe safely! Impress Me! Impress me with a crazy mission by following this challenge. In Space of 3333: Launch a vessel with 3,333m/dv or less mesuered in a vacuum List of participants, crafts names, and rankings:
  8. I now have read it and i will make a new challenge thread regarding the submissions guide. Please pardon me.
  9. Did anyone here about Matt Lowne’s base that you could put on any planet?
  10. Thanks for this too. I didn’t relaize this. Well propellers are a good way to get trust I mean I would like them to be used by I might have to put a limit on them. Thanks for this though.
  11. I have edited the topic and made a clarification with the Delta V. I will make more clarifications later on to make this challenge do able.
  12. CLARIFICATION AND BETTER AND MORE UNDERSTANDABLE RULES WILL COME SOON! PLEASE WAIT UNTIL THEN. SORRY FOR THE MIS UNDERSTANDING. How far can you get with just 3,333 meters of Delta V? Can you just only get to orbit? Maybe to the Mun? Or can you go further? In this challenge your goal is to get at least to space with suing 3,333 meter of Delta V or less. I have seen many challenges but I would like this challenge to focus on gravity assists and preside burns. And also most importantly, to impress the Kerbal community with your design. I have never seen anyone go further than orbit with just 3,333 meters of Delta V. I know this may sound impossible. But nothing is impossible in Kerbal Space Program. Nothing! Below I will state the rules and the rubrics for each of the five rankings. RULES: NO CHEATS (NO CHEAT MENU) NO MODS THAT EFFECT THE SHIP (THIS INCLUDES HYPER-EDIT, HOWEVER SHADERS AREE ALLOWED) NO KRAKEN DRIVES OR USE OF GLITCHES These are the rules to the challenge above. Now. I will list the five categories that your design can be placed in depending on circumstances and other actions during your flight. Delta V Calculation Since we in the VAB it calculates the Delta V base do off of Kerbin Sea Level this is how we will calculates Delta V. If your ship has 3,333 Delta V (or less) meters per second on Kerbin’s Sea level your ship is still counted as qualified. Amazing! This rank is that you can at least get into orbit and return safely. The Kerbaly! This rank is that your craft is able to get to Minmus or The Mun and do a fly-by or landing. And of course return safely. In The Name of the Kraken: This rank is that you can get a Duna or Eve flabby or landing and return safely (this includes Ike and Gilly). The Von Kerman Award: You can get to Moho or Dreams and perform a fly by or a landing and return safely. Impress Me: To got to Jool and beyond or Impress Me... LIST OF CRAFTS AND NAMES OF PARTICIPANTS (AND RANK). Please go here for more rules and submissions. And clarification.
  13. Ya. It would be better to see a larger ion engine for the 2.5m parts. (Or whatever size parts are for the MK1 Command Pod)
  14. Hi Squad. I noticed that the IX-6315 "Dawn" Electric Propulsion System hasn’t seem to have a part revamp (that I know of). The small ion engine maybe small and slow but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t deserve a part revamp. The small ion engine could use some variants and a texture revamp. There are many variants I could think of like a different color or some of the inside components show more. Or anything. The little engine could use a part revamp. It would be nice to see this small ion engine have a revamp.
  15. Part revamps. We could use part revamps.
  16. The part size for the MK 1-5 command pod could use a larger cargo bay.
  17. The Oscar-B Fuel Tank hasn’t seem to have a texture revamp. (That I know of). So I’m wandering Squad, can the Oscar-B Fuel Tank get a texture revamp. The texture currently is kinda boring compared to the other parts. I’d like to see the small fuel tank shine a little more with some new color variants, texture revamps, and other things to make the part look better. So please Squad, please revamp this part. It would nice to see this little part have some attention. -Sorry for the terrible spelling and grammer. I’m fixing it.
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