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    Running AMOK
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    SJC, MAD, LEN - Astronautical Mission Of Kerbalkind

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  1. I guess you could always Alt+F12 those rewards out... Like, subtracting the corresponding amounts of Funds, Science and such... Tedious, I know, but should work...
  2. Yes, your understanding is correct. This mod does not affect the science already done, which is stored "by KSP itself", as you say, to put it some way. It just checks the science already done and displays it for you, as well as offers you a window with buttons to conveniently run experiments on your current vessel. Installing, updating or removing this mod should not impact at all the science already done in your save. Happy sciencing! Enjoy!
  3. Awesome! Everything looks OK now. Thank you very much!!!
  4. @R-T-B , thank you very much, I really appreciate it! I have seen that the version number for your fork is smaller than the latest "official" release (1.0.13 vs 1.10.0). That shouldn't cause any issues, right? I also noticed that your version is lacking the "Translations" folder, the "LowGravityLanding*.png" ribbons, and the "DeepAtmosphere.png" ribbons in Mun(?) and Eve. Finally, the ribbons for "Rover.png" and "FirstRover.png" are slightly different (for all bodies - going in a rover seems to no longer be considered to be in the EVA category?). I'm guessing you might have used an earlier version of Nereid's for your fork (I'm seeing in github the latest there is 1.9 ?). I assume there is no problem with just copying over those files from Nereid's 1.10.0 version... Anyway, just mentioning it in case you want to double-check and update your fork. At any rate, thank you very much for your work! Cheers!
  5. That'd be great, thanks in advance! Edit: PS: FF worked fine for me 1.10.1 through 1.12.3, haven't tested against 1.12.5 yet...
  6. Hi, thank you very much for the update and all your work on this awesome, must-have mod! I have noticed it comes with Module Manager 4.1.4 bundled; I assume it should work OK with the latest version of Module Manager (4.2.2), right? I also noticed that there are a number of Thumbs.db files in several of the included subfolders... I'm assuming all those just sneaked in, and it is safe to delete them? Thanks again! Cheers to one of the (if not THE) best mod for KSP!
  7. Just a heads-up: in the file changelog.cfg this last VERSION is stated as "version =" (instead of; I guess that's OK but might cause some confusion... Once again, thanks for all your work and your great mods! Cheers!
  8. Sounds a lot like the old "eclipse / shadow" issue... (see for instance this post). To date I am not aware of a fix for this... I'll seize the chance to thank blackrack for his truly amazing work, although those clouds will probably never fly on my laptop, with a Radeon RX Vega M... xDDD I'll have to stick to the "integrated" config... Cheers!
  9. ?labreK odnalbah somatsE¿ xD
  10. Does that keep happening, or was it a one-time thing? If I'm not mistaken, the first time the mod is "loaded", it will calculate some stats, like the max elevation point in every planet, and store it in a file, which would explain the RAM usage and load time - this is supposed to happen just one time per "save", as the data will already be available after this...
  11. Just a quick message while I wait for the stream to begin to mention that I was able to get working OK all the outstanding topics, and a couple more thingies... =D
  12. OK, I have point #2 above fixed and working OK... Working on the rest of the stuff now... @linuxgurugamer, some of the post-build commands are failing (all of them "system cannot find file", probably version file-related and probably because I don't have JQ installed. However, I can build and test the .dll OK; is that enough, or do you recommend that I install JQ? Also, what would be your preferred way of me relaying the changes to you? Should I try creating a branch and/or a pull-request to your GIT (I haven't used that for a while, and back then I seldom used the command-line version...). Would probably do that when I have all the topics sorted out... or discarded, heh (but different branches/PRs for each topic, of course). If it is easier for you, maybe you can do a quick walk-through of the branch/PR creation during your twitch stream this coming Tuesday... Thanks!
  13. @linuxgurugamer I've been testing the latest version, 6.0.1, and it's working OK (thank you very much!). However, the following topics are still outstanding (I checked the source code and the first 3 are actually still listed in the TODO.txt file of the current "master" in github): #1.- "Min Science Slider" goes from 0.001 straight to 0.5; it'd be great if it could be set to values in-between, such as 0.004 or 0.005 (or even better, the possibility of inputting a numeric value!). Anyway, I finally realized I can simply edit the settings.cfg file and manually set it there, which sorts out the problem. (in fact, and due to the wonders of floating point arithmetic, the value needed is 0.0049, heh). #2.- The amount of science for subsequent runs of an experiment is not correctly calculated after the first run of that experiment in the current vessel (this is what I referred to as ``the inaccurate amount reported in the "Hear and Now" window´´), which in fact implies that [x]Science will sometimes asume the remaining science from an experiment is below the threshold specified when it is actually still above it. #3.- It'd be awesome if the progress bars for each experiment both in the main and in the "Here and Now" windows could show 2 decimal digits precision, but I'm guessing that would make worse the "overflowing" topic I mention in the #4 below... so possibly better leaving this as is. #4.- Also, the text "overflowing" the button (or the numbers overflowing the progress bar) as in the picture in my previous post is still happening. For the text on the button, maybe simply using a smaller font might suffice... The quickest way I can think of for verifying this (as well as topic #2 above) when starting a science (or career) from scratch is to cheat a pod with two Mystery Goo into *HIGH* Kerbin orbit and running both Mystery Goo experiments. Note the "Here and Now" window will read that next run of the experiment would yield 0.865 science. Recovering the pod, then launching it again and cheating again into *HIGH* Kerbin orbit will show the numbers overflowing the bar in the "Here and Now" window, which also will read a different number for the science yield of the next run of the experiment (0.799 if I remember correctly). #5.- Oh, almost forgot... When trying the "Hide Min Science Slider" option, it does hide it but the window stays with the same size (I think the person that requested this, what they wanted was to actually have the window take up less space, so...). Also, if there are any available experiments then buttons start overlapping... (see screenshots below). Sometimes after scene changes the window goes "back to normal" and gets smaller, but if you unselect the "Hide slider", then select it again, the issue comes up again. All in all, the only thing I would really need fixed would be #2, the rest are mostly "cosmetical". I think I am going to try my hand at installing the IDE and see if I can first build and then fix any of these things, hopefully before your next coding stream this Tuesday, or the following one if not. I'll get back to you with what I can get done, if anything at all, heh. And of course, and more importantly, thank you very very much for all your help, and for all the time you dedicate, to this and to all the mods you create and maintain!
  14. Humm... did you include a kOS part in your vessel build? Please excuse me if you already did that, and I am "overexplaining"... The thing is that you need to include a specific part in your build for kOS to run; there are several of them and are unlocked at different science tree nodes (if on Science or Career mode). I can't remember right now the specific names of the parts, so you will have to navigate the available parts (or the science tree) to find them... Hope this helps! Also, this might help: CheersKevin tutorial on kOS (youtube) Edit #1: added "overexplanation" paragraph ;O) Edit #2: added youtube link.
  15. So... after a bit more testing, I realized there's a side effect we hadn't thought about: Not really sure about the best way to sort that out, aside from making the bar wider... He's working on it, I think that will be available in the next release...
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