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  1. Aight, the rest of mission was added! I would also like to wish y'all Merry Christmas and also thank for the amazing support from you!
  2. STS-113 and The P1 Truss - November 24th 2002 STS-113 was the 16th American (ISS-16-11A) assembly flight to the International Space Station (ISS). The primary mission was to bring the Expedition 6 crew to the ISS and return the Expedition 5 crew to the Earth. In addition to the crew exchange, STS-113 was the next flight in the assembly sequence to install a major component, the Port 1 (P1) Integrated Truss Assembly. Three spacewalks were carried out to install and activate the truss and its associated equipment. There were 7 crew members on board of Endevaour: Commander Jim Wetherbee, Pilot Paul Lockhart, Mission Specialists Michael Lopez-Alegria and John Herrington. Launching crew of Expedition 6: Kenneth D. Bowersox, Nikolai M. Budarin and Nikolai M. Budarin. Landing crew of Expedition 5: Valery G. Korzun, Peggy A. Whitson, Sergei Y. Treshchov. The earlier planned launch on Nov. 11 was postponed when higher than allowable oxygen levels were detected in the orbiter's mid-body. Launch was tentatively set for no earlier than Nov. 18 so that technicians could troubleshoot and repair the leak. A fatigued flexible hose was found to be the cause and was replaced, along with another similar hose. Another problem surfaced when a platform used to access the oxygen line bumped the robotic arm in the payload bay. Inspections of the arm for damage postponed launch until Nov. The launch was again postponed 24 hours to Nov. 23 due to poor weather conditions at the Transoceanic Abort Landing sites. Finally on 24th November at 0:49 UTC, STS-113 blasted of from launchpad LC-39A at Cape Canaveral. Max-Q MECO and ET separation Few minutes later Endeavour performs first is 2 OMS burn to circulize orbit. After reaching stable orbit orbiter cargo bay doors were opened. During the first two days of the mission, periodic engine firings gradually brought Endeavour to a point about 9 ½ statute miles (24.6 km) behind the station, the starting point for a final approach to the station. About 2 ½ hours before the scheduled docking time on Flight Day 3, Endeavour reached that point, about 50,000 feet (15,240 meters) behind the ISS. There Endeavour's jets were fired in a Terminal Intercept (TI) burn to begin the final phase of the rendezvous. Endeavour closed the final miles to the station during the next orbit. As Endeavour closed in, the shuttle's rendezvous radar system began tracking the station and providing range and closing rate information to the crew. During the final approach, Endeavour could do as many as four small mid-course corrections at regular intervals. Just after the fourth correction was completed, Endeavour reached a point about half a mile (900 meters) below the station. There, about an hour before the scheduled docking, Commander James Wetherbee took over manual control of the approach. He slowed Endeavour's approach and flew to a point about 600 feet (182.9 meters) directly below the station. For Endeavour's docking, James Wetherbee maintained the shuttle's speed relative to the station at about one-tenth of a one-tenth of a foot per second (3 centimeters per second) (while both Endeavour and the space station were traveling at about five miles a second), and kept the docking mechanisms aligned to within a tolerance of three inches (7.6 centimeters). When Endeavour made contact with the station, preliminary latches automatically attached the two spacecraft. Immediately after Endeavour docked on November 25, 2002, the shuttle's steering jets were deactivated to reduce the forces acting at the docking interface. Shock absorber-like springs in the docking mechanism dampened any relative motion between the shuttle and the station. Once that motion between the spacecraft had stopped, Michael Lopez-Alegria secured the docking mechanism, sending commands for Endeavour's docking ring to retract and to close a final set of latches between the shuttle and station. The following day, Michael Lopez-Alegria and John Herrington began spacewalk preparations while James Wetherbee used the shuttle's robotic arm to lift the huge P1 Truss out of Endeavour's payload bay to hand it to the station's Canadarm2 under control of Peggy Whitson inside Destiny. She then carefully installed it on the port side of the S0 Truss. Capture bolts structurally mated the two trusses after a claw-like device on the S0 grabs a fixture on the P1 segment. The procedure was timed so that the two spacewalkers did not exit the station's Quest Airlock until the mating process is complete. Once Ca2 captured P1 truss Orbiter Ca was moved away When P1 truss was in place EVA No. 1 began, it took 6 hours, 45 minutes -- Mission Specialists Michael Lopez-Alegria and John Herrington hooked up electrical connections between the P1 truss and station, installed spool positioning devices that will ensure quick disconnect devices in fluid lines function properly, and released launch locks on the Crew and Equipment Translation Aid (CETA) cart. They also installed Node Wireless video system External Transceiver Assembly (WETA) antennas allowing reception from spacewalkers' helmet cameras without a shuttle present. Crew while releasing CETA cart launch locks Before then end they also installed WETA on Unity module. This concluded first EVA of this mission. Between EVA No.1 and No.2 Canadarm 2 was temporarily moved from MBS onto Destiny module. EVA No. 2: 6 hours, 10 minutes -- On Thanksgiving Day, Lopez-Alegria and Herrington connected two fluid jumpers between the P1 and S0 trusses, linking plumbing for ammonia in the station's cooling system. They move CETA Carts from P1 to S1 truss. They also installed a second WETA, this one on the P1 truss. They released launch locks on the P1 radiator beams. one of CETA carts while being moved from P1 truss to S1 truss Both CETA carts next to MBS on S1 truss. This conculeds EVA No.2 EVA No. 3: 7 hours -- Herrington and Lopez-Alegria successfully completed installation of 33 spool positioning devices around the outside of the station. Herrington also troubleshooted the stalled railcar (Mobile Transporter). He freed and deployed a UHF communications antenna that had snagged a trailing umbilical mechanism on the MT. The MT was able to reach its destination, Worksite 7. Herrington completed his assigned tasks without using the Canadarm2, which was to have transferred from the U.S. Lab to the MT to maneuver Herrington through some of his tasks. UHF and WETA on P1 truss This was the last EVA of STS-113. The next day the shuttle and station crews completed transfer work and get-ahead tasks for future assembly flights. The Expedition 5 Crew had to bid farewell to its home for five months and the shuttle crew had to bid its Expedition 6 replacements bon voyage as the hatches were closed on Flight Day 10. Once Endeavour was ready to undock, Michael Lopez-Alegria sent a command to release the docking mechanism. At initial separation of the spacecraft, springs in the docking mechanism pushed the shuttle away from the station. Endeavour's steering jets were shut off to avoid any inadvertent firings during this initial separation. Once Endeavour was about two feet (61 centimeters) from the station, with the docking devices clear of one another, Paul Lockhart turned the steering jets back on and fired them to very slowly move away. From the aft flight deck, Paul Lockhart manually controlled Endeavour within a tight corridor as she separated from the ISS, essentially the reverse of the task performed by James Wetherbee just before Endeavour docked. Endevaour shorly after undokcing While leaving one of crew member took this amazing photo of ISS The mission was extended three days due of bad weather on Cape Canaveral (KSC). On flight day 13 Orbiter fired it's OMS thruster to bring Perigee into atmosphere so shuttle could land at Cape Canaveral. Re-entry! Endevaour reached Cape without any problem. Touchdown! Endevaour safely on ground. STS-113 was the last mission during which cosmonauts flew on-board of US Space Shuttle. STS-113 was the last successful mission before STS-107, during which all 7 crew members (Rick D. Husband, William C. McCool, David M. Brown, Kalpana Chawla, Michael P. Anderson, Laurel B. Clark and Ilan Ramon) that flew sadly died on re-entry due to damage on heatshield caused by foam that fell of from External Tank at lift off. After Columbia disaster Space Shuttle was grounded until July 2005. Up next, Progress M-47 with supplies for crew.
  3. Hey, sorry for recent inactivity, I just want to let you know that I won't do more missions until next year. Currently taking some break. Cya next year!
  4. First mission of 5th page is... Progress M1-9 launch! I would like to thank to @lemon cup and @Kuiper_Belt for allowing me to join this amazing project! Departure of Progress M-46 After 87 days spent docked to ISS, Progress M-46 undocked from Aft port of Zvezda module to make way for Progress M1-9 that was launched just few days after undokcing. Progress M1-9 On 25th September 2002 Progress M1-9 lifted-off from Site 1/5 Gagarin's Start at Baikonur Cosmodrome. Progress M1 is special version that is made to carry big amount of fuel and just small amount of food, water and other supplies. After nearly 4 days Progress M1-9 successfuly reaches International Space Station and slowly began automatic docking. Progress M1-9 carried about 2,5 tons of supplies of which 1,5 tons was fuel propellant. Docking occured on 29th September 2002 Coming up, Space Shuttle Atlantis delivers the next Truss Segment on STS-112! For real this time.
  5. Yeah, rotation is because of the fluid and air lines. And the reason why it is rotated like it was in picture I sent is probably because Rassvet was made like this for right solar panel orientation I guess.
  6. Salyut 4 docking Few days after Soyuz 20 left Salyut 4 it performed rendezvous maneuver and 45 minutes later crew of Soyuz 4 got view of Salyut 4 from IML station. When Salyut 4 got to about 200 meters from IML Vitaly took control of it and started to slowly get closer to docking port on Union docking node. View from on-board camera. Few minutes after Salyut 4 successfuly docked to IML! TKS 3-A launch and docking tommorow!
  7. Amazing as always! I've just noticed that you have some shadow issue with scatterer in the last post. Here is simple fix. In KSC open scatterer menu (Right Alt+ F11) in there go to shadows settings and enable long-shadows (or something similar to this) once you're there change number to this: One more thing about the Soyuz dokcing to Zarya (sorry for being ass about it but I really like this project and want to help you to be perfect) Soyuz/Progress solar panle blue side should alaways face to back. rotation of 45° as it was on TM-34 is right it just need to be turned by 180° so basically the name on spacecraft is facing to front. Like this. This is applied from Rassvet, before that it was actually docked like you did, sorry for confusing you. Except Rassvet isn't and won't be there for a while ofc.
  8. Soyuz 18 - August 7, 1974 2 days after Salyut 4 launch, Soyuz 18 launches from Baikonur cosmodrome with really hard mission for them... Pyotr Klimuk and Vitaly Sevastyanov will have to rendezvous and dock to Salyut 4, check and activate on-board system and then they will have to rendezvous and dock with IML. At 8:38am Soyuz 18 was launched. After 10 minutes Soyuz is separated from third stage of Soyuz-U rocket. Thanks to perfect planning (totally not random) after only 2 and 40 minutes Soyuz get to Salyut 4 station. After another few minutes Soyuz 18 sucesfully docks with Salyut 4. After air check Pyotr performs short 2 hour EVA to check exterior of station. During EVA there were no issues found so crew could safely activate all onboard system. 16 hours into the mission crew of Soyuz 18 is instructed to undock from Salyut 4 and prepare for rendezvous with IML. After really short 1 hour free flight Soyuz 18 gets to IML. At 3:48am on 8th August Soyuz 18 successfuly docks to Union Starboard SSVP port. Next mission: TKS 3-A
  9. Salyut 4 - August 5, 1974 Salyut 4 was launched on 5th August from LC-81 at Baikonur cosmodrome on Proton rocket. Fairing jettison 3rd stage separation from Salyut 4 station. At T+00:45 Salyut 4 deployes it's solar panels shortly after orbit circulization burn done by engines on station. Salyut 4 will now stay in 380/378km orbit and wait until Soyuz 18 arrives to perform checks before it can rendezvous and dock with IML. Next mission: Soyuz 18
  10. I would like to thank a lot for choosing me as fan fiction report of November, when I started my series I didn't expect this to happend in any dream :D. Once more Thanks! I will do as much as I can to keep the good quality of my IML reports.
  11. Progress 3-A - March 28, 1974 Progress 3-A was launch on Soyuz-U rocket from Baikonur cosmodrome. It carries food, water and lithium hydroxide supplies. Launch occured at 11:46am from launchpad 1/5 Gagarin's Start. After 1 and half day flying alone Progress successfuly reached IML. View from Soyuz 17 on-board camera Soyuz 17 return After 3 months Soyuz 17 undocked from Union Starboard docking port leaving IML uncrewed for some time before Soyuz 18 docks to station. Orbital module separation before de-orbit burn. Instrument module separation shortly before re-entry. After re-entry Soyuz deploys drogue and later main chute to softly land near Baikonur. Next mission: Salyut 4
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