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  1. Nope. Added those and others that were producing errors. Still missing. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SXSOZD2GGxOqsGK9SLcPy0NurxCVIp_9/view?usp=sharing
  2. All of the squad couplings are gone. I thing some other parts are too. Here's my log.
  3. @Juba Lol @Lisias I'm also missing all my squad separators and decouplers... Idk if that is tweakscale doing something or some other mod...
  4. @Lisias I'm getting a kraken download error when trying to download from ckan: https://imgur.com/a/RH0IVUO
  5. @bcink It seems to just not be connecting like a regular heatshield. Here's a video I made showing it:
  6. Hello. KSP is crashing halfway through loading. I don't know what is causing it. I was thinking that maybe someone who regularly troubleshoots modded KSP could help me figure it out and it would take less time than me doing it. Thanks in advance. KSP.log CKAN export
  7. @prestja Does this mod need to be installed manually from GitHub instead of CKAN? The planetshine-config dependency doesn't exist on CKAN.
  8. @bcinkThe heatshields seem to not attach to the modules. Is this a known bug?
  9. Hello I am getting an error that is causing a fatal interaction with B9PartSwitch: [LOG 15:20:45.452] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'TE.18.BFB.ENGINE.CLUSTER' [LOG 15:20:45.512] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'TundraExploration/Parts/GOJIRAII/TE_18_BFB_FUELTANK/TE_18_BFB_FUELTANK' [WRN 15:20:45.522] PartLoader Warning: Variable techHidden not found in Part [LOG 15:20:45.524] [B9PartSwitch] ERROR: B9PartSwitch has encountered a fatal error and KSP needs to close. Fatal exception while loading fields on module ModuleB9PartSwitch on part Exception while loading field subtypes on type B9PartSwitch.ModuleB9PartSwitch Exception while loading fields on subtype PartSubtype MLOX Exception while loading field tankType on type B9PartSwitch.PartSubtype No tank type named 'RR_CryoMLOX' exists Please see KSP's log for additional details at error:0 Here is the full log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vjefnLPTJ0alpb1O2Nwvh8h2L_OBP1p9/view?usp=sharing Thank You!
  10. @Hira, @Lisias is currently trying to help me figure out the problem. One of us will post the solution on this board once it is found.
  11. Hi, can you please help to fix these errors? Warning: Duplicated subtype names found on ModuleB9PartSwitch(moduleID='cargoSwitch') on part: LifeSupport Fatal Error: Fatal exception while loading fields on module ModuleB9PartSwitch on part Exception while loading field subtypes on type B9PartSwitch.ModuleB9PartSwitch Exception while loading fields on subtype PartSubtype LH2 Exception while loading field tankType on type B9PartSwitch.PartSubtype No tank named 'RR_PLM' exists
  12. Hi, Can you please help with these errors I'm getting? Warning: Duplicated subtype names found on ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='cargoSwitch') on part: LifeSupport (Non Fatal) Fatal Error: (Makes the game Quit) Fatal exception while loading fields on module ModuleB9PartSwitch on part Exception while loading field subtypes on type B9PartSwitch.ModuleB9PartSwitch Exception while loading fields on subtype PartSubtype LH2 Exception while loading field tankType on type B9PartSwitch.PartSubtype No tank type named 'RR_PLM' exists
  13. Ckan wont let me apply the bleeding edge version of the Kopernicus mod.
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