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Everything posted by dogon11

  1. I lost my link, could someone give the address to the RP board? Even if it\'s not open yet, I need to save it to where I won\'t lose it.
  2. I request a turn to land a habitation module down on Minmus next to the rover. It will use BACE and NovaPunch.
  3. It\'s kinda hard for forum campaigns to succeed.
  4. SpaceK\'s LCP probe has launched and returned succesfully! Logo: Album: http://imgur.com/a/P6Zqs#0
  5. So, if there were no failures, I could launch four close pass probes?
  6. And right now... everyone has 4000$
  7. How much would this rocket be? Don\'t worry, final design right here. http://imgur.com/PYYQi
  8. The mission has it not to orbit, but to make a single, extremely low pass, coming within 1,000 meters of the surface, traveling over 800m/s horizontally to map terrain for a possible landing, and for other reasons.
  9. Mission shown was simple orbital testing. Full version has two solar collectors, plus batteries to last for 12 hours. The communication method is the rotating orb at the top, projecting radio signals out the hole. The whole mechanism rotates to keep track of a satellite in orbit or a ground station.
  10. How much is this rocket? http://imgur.com/8TY7D It\'s job is to fly out, make a low flyby of the lunar surface, take some photos, and return the film to kerbin without landing.
  11. Okay, so maybe they aren\'t so mini.
  12. Also, for certain milestones will we receive additional funding, or will that only work in impressing people?
  13. I can\'t read the prices in a comprehensible way... maybe you should just judge prices in PM.
  14. Posting so I can come back later.
  15. http://imgur.com/a/wZGqN#0 Shown above is a link. That link leads to an album of photos demonstrating how to save your kerbals in case of spaceplane disaster. Also, SRB spacetrains.
  16. Welcome to Mini-Challenges! It\'s minigames, but that are challenges within the game. There are a few challenges. #1: Seafaring Vessels! In this challenge, the point is to get a boat from the end of the runway, down the shore, into the water, and then see how far it will go. Post screenshots of as much of the flight as possible! Rules: No ejecting any parts, no parts falling off, and no mods that add warp drives or infinite fuel tanks. Packs such as NovaPunch are fine. Post screenshots of your mission report so we can verify distances and missing parts. #2: Commuter! In this challenge, the point is begin on the runway and turn around, driving over the mountains and reaching the west coast of the continent that the KSC sits on. We\'d love some screenies! Rules: No ejecting parts, no parts falling off, and no mods that add warp drives or infinite fuel tanks. Packs such as NovaPunch are fine. The Cart Mod is not. Post screenshots of your mission report so we can verify distances and missing parts. #3: Polar Explorer! In this challenge, the point is to fly a space plane to the north pole, and then back around to the south pole, before landing at KSC again. You may leave the atmosphere. Screenshots are great! Rules: No ejecting parts, no parts falling off, and no mods that add warp drives or infinite fuel tanks. Packs such as NovaPunch are fine. Post screenshots of your mission report so we can verify distances and missing parts. Victors for all the challenges will be posted along with their times and distances under each challenge. Again, we love screenshots!
  17. What would that have been in KPH, and in MPH?
  18. Can we use nosedives from 20,000 meters to assist?
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