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  • About me
    Biology is hard
  • Location
    Seas of Laythe
  • Interests
    Amateur rocketry is very fun, I recommend it.

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  1. New rule: You must have a word count of 100 words in a post.
  2. Never be scared to try something new in career mode. There's a reason I hadn't landed on Eve until two days ago in my 4 years of playing KSP. Don't judge me.
  3. banned for being go guardian aka the privacy invasion software
  4. Best movie series is really a tossup between the Godzilla series or James Bond. tossup, like i said
  5. Rescued some Kerbals that I launched to the Mun. Guidance unit was upside down on their lander.
  6. If I am doing an LKO mission, I like using a lower stage Pollux, Thoroughbread, or Clydesdale lower stage, and an upper stage Methalox (I play with a lot of mods). My most reliable crew vehicle uses this basic design. Anything else, Saturn V 5 meter tanks with Mastadon engines surrounded by 3.75 meter tanks with Mammoth engines with very large upper stages.
  7. Moar boosters might help. In all seriousness, your craft might not have the best aerodynamic profile. As someone who does rocketry IRL, you need to have relatively big fins. Adding RCS thrusters might help with your practice. Good luck!
  8. well thanks i guess now i know something i dont need to know because i dont do KSP content i do minecraft but ksp is fun
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