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  1. so whats the issue with spacedust? I want to try galaxies unbound, but it gets a fatal error
  2. Yeah that helps! usually ram is like that for me as well, so I may upgrade that at some point
  3. how is this mod performance-wise? I have Outer planets as well as wanting this, along with alot of smaller(ish) mods of varying stuff. (~220) My specs: i7-10700K CPU, 16.0 GB Ram, GTX 1650 SUPER
  4. sorry for the bother, but the new update will not install on CKAN, idk why
  5. I set up Castillo, and also designed a mineral mining ship, which hops to a different crater on Minmus that has Minerals, thanks to your help, I can get rid of much of the slapped together ramshackle base I had before!
  6. thanks, I think I'll keep it CRP and just get the Castillo up and running, thanks again for the help
  7. I would like to use the CRP, but I also want to be able to have omniconverter for buildings, is there a way for both?
  8. oh ok, so with CRP the stock drills I can get clean water and materials, but how do I get slag? Now Ive changed to Classic, but minerite is not in the game?
  9. wait is a lode from a core sample? oh ok, so with CRP the stock drills I can get clean water and materials, but how do I get slag?
  10. So I changed it to CRP, and I was able to get rare metals and exotic minerals with the strip miner, but now I cannot get minerals nor slag, is there a specific miner I need to use? like do I have to use Regolith Drills?
  11. I've run into an issue; I am trying to make a Castillo base, but equipment printers need precious metals and minerite, but they are not in my game. What should I do? actually it may I need to change it to CRP, will that change the resource requirements?
  12. Ok, I do not have TweakableEverything mod, but I also dont have anything named FerramAerospaceResearch either I installed the mod via CKAN, if that can help you at all
  13. I do not know if it is supposed to be that way, but the elevons and stabilizers do not rotate also idk why but the wings don't count as lift in the assembly building
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