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Everything posted by pyropelush

  1. If anybody has some configuration tips so I can adjust KSP more to a potato laptop then that would be awesome, lol.
  2. IM PLAYING KSP IN CLASS AND YOU CANT STOP ME. *Duke Nukem theme plays.*
  3. Just realized how lovely I.V.A textures look. C r i s p y.
  4. Hey there, I'm back. I got into orbit without exploding. Hooray for me! I did notice some things happen during my flight, probably due to this PC's processing power. 1. The navball excrements itself and died. 2. Random forces moving me during flight. That's it really.
  5. As of 9/30/2021, 8:06 AM with 15 - 20 fps. I will be challenging myself to get into orbit in KSP on a school laptop.
  6. I didn’t use steam to install KSP because they have some blocking system for the computers that prevent certain websites to being connected to. I had a copy of KSP 0.22 downloaded directly from DepotDownloader on a USB drive. I just copied the files from there to my Desktop. Yes, I do legally own KSP.
  7. I mean, I'm not allowed to have KSP on the computer but SHHHH.... Don't tell my school staff that I am throwing little green men to the moon and back during History.
  8. I can assure you that this was during some sort of free time, so don't worry. I still learned lol.
  9. Oh I know lol. Besides if it was really on chromebooks, it’d run worse than my school laptop.
  10. My laptop can't handle a vessel loading into the launchpad, so I got one of my saves and loaded to my mun landers. The skybox is so low quality you can actually notice the edges of it. Lol. If you're curious too, I am replying from my school laptop at school. ;P Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) m3-7Y30 CPU @ 1.00 GHz 1.61 GHz Installed RAM: 8 GB (7.88) Usable
  11. 0.22, 20 fps and ultra ultra low settings. Surprised my laptop hasn't combusted into flames. How are you all?
  12. It's always my pilot, what? The ENGINEER is going to plant the flag? He just called shotgun. In all seriousness yeah, always the pilot.
  13. Made my own """accidental""" fireworks and watched a vessel implode. Such great fun!
  14. We will never know how they stay on, it is a mystery.
  15. My two Kerbal Sins. I don't add ladders to Landers. I also don't add RCS.
  16. Great Picture! It looks beautiful.
  17. Absolutely great, now they can see what's happening. The latest in Kerbal Technology.
  18. I saw something like that happen in a Danny2462 video. Really spooky, ain't it? Just seeing. Shadowy Kerbals. Just standing there. Staring at you. Anyways, they're just really spooky.
  19. They spent all the budget on snacks. They had to cut a few corners on the pool, sadly.
  20. I recreated my Small Mun Rover (from my other post) in 0.22, It flips alot and is barely controllable but I'm trying to fix it. (To clarify, I did not use DepotDownloader or any tool to obtain 0.22)
  21. I wish I could get to Eve, I only have gotten to the Mun, Minimus and Duna. Nice job dude!
  22. It does suck that there is no official way to get older versions of the game, those extra hoops of risking your security and PC for an older version of KSP seems a little extreme.
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