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    Amateur military engineer

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  1. There are not any proper tutorials on the internet unfortunately unlike what Kerbal410 said. What I do is look through old Fall of Kerbin (youtube war series) livestreams and watch how they build the tanks step by step. Such as this video: In the video they use an old version of BDarmory from 1.2 but most of the building techniques will still work today.
  2. I wonder if this mod will ever get revived. Especially because 1.12 is the final KSP version so having to update the mod every time the game gets updated shouldn't be a problem
  3. I wonder if texture support could be added for BDARMORY armor panels
  4. You installed the mod incorrectly. in the 'AviatorArsenal 1.5' folder, there is another folder called GameData. In GameData there is the actual mod folder named 'AviatorArsenal'. Extract 'AviatorArsenal' into the KSP installation GameData folder.
  5. What ammo box does the Ho-5 use? 20x102 doesn't work and there is no 20x94mm ammo in the universal ammo box. EDIT I INSTALLED THE MOD INCORRECTLY
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