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Everything posted by Spaceman.Spiff

  1. Your old post and this one make some excellent points. It's a cool (get it?) idea, but whether or not Nertea wants to spend the time making configs is the real deciding factor. It would be interesting to see though.
  2. Actually, having looked at a couple other posts, it seems like only MM does that. There are three conditions where it happens: April Fool's Day (Apr 1st) National Cat Day in Japan (Feb 22nd) Lastly, when MM is out of date. It's not Kopernicus causing the cats, but it may be causing other issues. I would be helpful if Sarbian added something that distinguished the "easter egg" cats from error cats.
  3. His mission was bonkers!!! Absolutely amazing use of Breaking ground to make the solar panels and stuff.
  4. It’s confusing because MM also uses it. MM is the thing causing the cat show everywhere.
  5. I would actually recommend switching to the stable branch of Kopernicus. The Nyan Cats are because today is Cat Day in Japan. Welcome to the forums
  6. You don’t need it. The drives can be active while in warp.
  7. I was thinking gameplay-wise, it makes more sense than Kerosene.
  8. Gameslinx's Beyond Home planet pack and the stock system have configs. I would ask the RSS people is Parallax support is in the works. I don't think it is currently.
  9. That's actually an interesting idea... Maybe instead of the NTR LF patch it could be a Methane patch. That way it's not as easy as LF, which is dense and has no boiloff. Methane is denser than LH2 but less dense than LF, and has less boiloff and power requirements. I think that could be a good way to strike a happy medium between LF and LH2 NTRs while not being too OP
  10. Nay, perhaps @Gargamelwill join the fray?
  11. The scientific name for a fart is a flatus
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