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Everything posted by Spaceman.Spiff

  1. Perhaps you could have two versions; One is a revamp, the other is whatever you want
  2. The problem with that is it doesn’t have the thrust to launch a decent 1.875m rocket.
  3. As has been mentioned in every thread regarding console vs PC; SQUAD DOES NOT MAKE THE CONSOLE PORT. I want to emphasize that because many have made the same argument as yourself, and I absolutely agree. Console players deserve better. However, it's out of the control of the developers at SQUAD, because they aren't producing the console updates. Effectively, the PC and console development is in parallel. I am not debating the merits of C/PC, but remember that console ports from PC also take a lot of time, and SQUAD's focus is developing the "main" version of KSP.
  4. Howdy! Welcome to the forum!
  5. I disagree with the notion that the shift in focus from exploration to colonization will remove some aspects of gameplay, I think it is more likely that the progression will shift towards different parts of the game. For your ISRU example, you're probably right that one, mobile, lander won't be able to refuel itself. My prediction is that for basic "Level 1" ISRU (by basic I mean fuel and maybe life support resources) to work, it will require at least smaller surface base, that would probably be temporarily occupied. That base may be able to harvest ice to produce water for electrolysis and consumption it wouldn't be very efficient, but it could fuel up a lander. It wouldn't be till much later that you would be able to produce new parts fo the base using, lets say, level 6 ISRU tech.
  6. I was thinking a static antenna since they're easier, but maybe you should look at this: you could adjust the configs pretty easily. Sizewise, it could definitely fit some of the big reflectors if you need to justify some "realism"
  7. Antennae are relatively simple to make, and the configs are easy to change. It could be a nice, easy start to modding
  8. Looks good. I'm not sure if the smaller bodies should have antimatter though. Maybe just the Giants.
  9. knock knock Who's there? Nope! @Nate Simpson
  10. Granted. Your brother deletes it again. I wish for pumpkins
  11. Granted, Mir never progressed and remained a single module, leading to no ISS for reasons I wish for less schoolwork
  12. Are you considering adding Exo resources to the rings? If you’re volunteering, Parallax configs
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