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Everything posted by Spaceman.Spiff

  1. I think at one point there was a mod that improved performance by calculating the entire ship as one part
  2. It really depends on the context. http://latindictionary.wikidot.com/noun:forum Pick your poison!
  3. Heh. For a second there I thought you'd replaced the Astronaut Complex.
  4. I think you should start a dev thread That way all of the mod stuff is in compliance with da ruuls
  5. It is open now! Go Go go!!!! @Melontime
  6. Two minutes till the megathread! are you ready @Souptime?
  7. Howdy! Don’t be nervous, we won’t bite! The people around here are really nice and helpful. You seem to really love the game, so you’ll have no problem fitting in
  8. I am here. Thanks for doing TOTM again! @SpaceFace545
  9. Congrats all! I’m glad FFT got the award it deserves
  10. Ummmm Nertea is fairly active and will probably appreciate a bug report as long as you have logs and such.
  11. yeppers @DunaManiacI haven't see you around these parts recently....
  12. for the love of god stop bullying @Souptime hes is an epic gamer
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