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  1. Hello! I have a lot of oxidizer left over on both the ship and booster. Is anyone else having issue?
  2. Hello! For some reason, starship, superheavy, and no other tanks besides them consume way more liquid fuel or methane than oxidizer, leaving the tanks with a ton of oxidizer left over after a very short "hop".
  3. Can you dock superheavy to the OLM from starship launch expansion? the OLM has an option to make it a docking port.
  4. @Janus92 This script looks amazing!! I am having problems getting it to work. I can hear the KOS beeps attempting to get it started as soon as I load the ship on the pad. This is what KOS had to say about it. plzHalpMe ;_________;
  5. It would be so cool to see this be able to dock as if was a grabbing unit, or have the option to after a ship or booster gets caught by it. I'm dying for this thing to be able to move so that the starship expansion docking system for the ship and booster can be utilized. There's so much potential for this mod! I can't wait to see what will become of it!
  6. This mod is perfect, but the aerodynamics while bellyflopping reverse while going straight down at lower altitudes. It's fine during re-entry. Has anyone else experienced this? For example, ill lean the ship forward, and my trajectory will go backwards, and leaning left will make you go right. It's not all the time, but it's when you're going slower and generally straight down. I think this is what is also why the flip maneuver is sloppier than other mods while landing. I can send a lil vid if no one has encountered it because I don't see any comments about it.
  7. Is there a different term for shaders in the game options or something? i cant seem to find where to enable shaders in the graphics menu. trying to get starship to not be black
  8. My starship is black and glitchy looking. I tried enabling shaders, but I can't seem to find the option to do that. that in the graphics settings right? does it have different terminology? btw I cannot stop playing with this mod, it's amazing!
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