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  1. Does anyone happen to know how I would go about planning a maneuver between two stars? The trajectory always cuts off at Kerbol's SOI, so I can't see the rest of the trajectory going from Kerbol to Nova Kerbani.
  2. No idea. I recall it being mentioned that the technological advancements will have more relevance to the science experiments performed. However, given how long it will take to develop, any comment in the past (or even recent present) is probably going to be superseded by whatever ends up being presented in that update.
  3. Science mode isn't in the game yet, and probably won't be for a few months.
  4. Tomorrow, KSP2 without crashing. The week after, lots of optimisations.
  5. I don't think any of the people in that forum could've seen what KSP would become.
  6. Learn how to mod Learn how to do textures Make your own "retrofication mod" for KSP2 Profit! This is the only point I have to disagree with, significantly. Dres looks way different, and way better.
  7. Willingly glossing over everything else they need to develop, I see. I can advise three paths: Make your own mod to fix the fuel ratios Become popular enough to land an interview with Intercept Games, ask them why the fuel ratio is different Nag someone else more popular than you to ask Intercept Games why the fuel ratio is different Genuinely and seriously, something like fuel mix is inconsequential and a trivial thing to worry about. If you're lucky, they might just change it to 3.6:1. But this is no important feature.
  8. It's close enough, and better than the 11:9 mix of Oxidiser and some obscure "Liquid Fuel". There are far bigger issues that Intercept Games has to solve than what the fuel mix is. For example: Also, fuel mixes can be different for different rocket engines. Why does it have to be 3.6:1? I know that's what SpaceX Raptor's fuel mix is, but that's the only Methalox rocket engine with a known mixture ratio (to my knowledge). I tried to check BE-4's mixture ratio, but couldn't find it. Beyond Methalox (Hydrolox and Kerolox), you have a large variety of different fuel mixes for different engines. I don't think there's any reason reason why 4:1 doesn't work for Methalox.
  9. I recall one of them doing this, but I don't remember which. Only caveat to it is you can't adjust throttle mid-timewarp
  10. This assumes that the parts of a single, contiguous craft in KSP2 are now automatically self-colliding. They didn't self-collide in KSP1 without turning on "same vessel interaction" for the parts that needed to collide.
  11. I suspect the problem may actually lie with fuel crossfeed, at least based on one case. When Everyday Astronaut played it, he set up an onion stage of 8 boosters with aerospike engines, each booster having 4 fuel tanks. Once launching the rocket, the frame rate came to an absolute crawl, with the game running at half speed. The moment those boosters were jettisoned, the performance immediately improved. The thing is, if physics is a source of performance issues, why would performance issues disappear on stage separation, even though the boosters are still there, still having their physics calculated? EDIT: Some of you may remember that fuel crossfeed was actually a performance issue for KSP1 as well. Stratzenblitz encountered it in his video; "Building a 1 Million Ton Rocket", where he had to optimise the rocket by giving each rocket engine only one fuel tank, minimising performance losses from crossfeed calculations. I suspect a worse version of this is present in KSP2 at the moment, requiring development time to hopefully resolve it.
  12. You're making it out to seem like the giveaway is going to lock you into some legal corner and steal all your money or something. Terms are, you have a Discord account, click a button, you're in the giveaway. That's it.
  13. I'm excited to just enjoy the journey of seeing this game get more developed with time. I got KSP1 years after it first released, so I never really experienced stuff like 'red Moho' and 'solid water' until I watched a video showing these things off. I think watching development from the very beginning will be a nice, one-in-a-lifetime experience.
  14. EDIT: As @Gargamel rightfully mentioned, it may not actually happen due to... events. After all, Russia is not the only place to share the MSK timezone.
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