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Everything posted by intelliCom

  1. What are the units for mass and distance supposed to be? I realise that it doesn't matter since the ratio between the masses and the distances would result in the same number as long as you use the same units. So, let's substitute these values with the most relevant ones from Earth-Moon: Ms = 1 988 500 kg ⋅ 1024 Mp = 5.97 kg ⋅ 1024 Rp = 152.10 km ⋅ 106 Rm = 0.3633 ⋅ 106 1 988 500 / 5.97 < 152.102 / 0.36332 1 988 500 / 5.97 < 23 134.41 / 0.13 333 082 < 175 278 The result is untrue, therefore "The Moon" is not actually a moon. Interesting system. Quickly plugging in various other values here; here's some checks for KSP: Kerbin-Mun = Yes: 332033.8 < 1284414.3 (Ironic how KSP's analog to the moon is actually a moon but the real one isn't?) Duna-Ike = Yes: 3885971 < 49249236.32 Jool-Tylo = Yes: 4149.25 < 101125.76 It seems to be a rigid system, if you always make sure to choose the larger mass as a certified "planet". I wonder how this affects chains of satellites? OPM has Urlum-Wal-Tal for example. Also, could an artifical object be considered a "moon" because it orbits a planet? If artificial creations don't count, what about dust particles? An orbiting asteroid the size of a football? An asteroid the size of a car? Tree-sized asteroid? House-sized? At what point does a mass become significant enough to be granted "moon" status?
  2. CKAN lists version 0.0830 of scatterer as latest, and decides to put it alongside the latest AVP and EVE. Doesn't CKAN detect conflicts between mods that don't work with each other? Also, what specifically causes the celestial bodies to look like this when using scatterer 0.08xx? Does it have something to do with how scatterer treats the values being given to it by AVP or something along those lines? https://imgur.com/a/uEaqGnQ Edit: Clarifying questions.
  3. Then this begs the question: What should the ratio of mass be between planet and moon be in order to consider the moon as a moon and not a planet? Obviously, we could consider Earth-Moon and Pluto-Charon as binary planet systems, but there's still an important question of where to draw the line. Why did we consider Pluto a planet and Charon a moon in the first place? Why was Earth considered a planet and the Moon a moon?
  4. That's unusual. I installed them using CKAN, and CKAN says that the default config is the same version as scatterer itself; 0.0830. CKAN considers this the latest update of Scatterer. What version should I be using? https://imgur.com/a/5UkVaUD Edit: Just saw Poodmund's comment. So it's more of a compatability issue between AVP and Scatterer + EVE then? When could I expect to see it fixed? [MOVING TO AVP THREAD]
  5. Touché. Didn't consider that. How about a more extreme case? Between Amalthea and Jupiter, could Jupiter be considered a satellite of Amalthea if you consider Jupiter's motion relative to Amalthea? If not, why? If I recall, the Earth-Moon pairing has one of the closest ratios between the mass of two celestial bodies (ignoring Pluto-Charon). By the IAU's definition, if the Moon was orbiting just a bit further away, am I correct that the barycenter would no longer be in Earth? If this is the case, then an exoplanet with the same altered conditions that I mentioned would then be a binary planet pair. Larger with the same mass as Earth, Smaller with the same mass as the Moon, but they're further apart. This would mean that the difference between the Moon being a satellite and a planet is its distance from Earth. Just because its a bit closer means its a Moon? Is there anything relevant about the mass of various other moons exceeding our moon? Titan and Ganymede for instance, are those satellites just because they're nearby a larger body? If you got Earth in orbit of Jupiter, would it be a moon of Jupiter?
  6. @blackrack I've been having a problem with scatterer 0.0830. I know this is a problem with scatterer in particular because these issues resolve themselves when I revert back to version 0.0772. The problem with this is that certain features are unavailable, and, despite the problems I've found, I can see some improvements present in 0.0830 compared to 0.0772, which is why I would like to resolve the issue instead of running away from it. Don't want to miss out on future versions of scatterer. A summary of the problem is that many colours aren't what they're supposed to be. A complete list is available in the following link: https://imgur.com/a/uEaqGnQ
  7. I feel like if you had to incorporate RSS and the Kerbol system together in the game, it would allow you to choose RSS when starting a new game. That way, RSS games and Kerbol games are split, allowing players to go back to the stock system without uninstalling RSS. This is being said with the assumption that RSS is a mod, not part of stock like Ninadragonborn is suggesting.
  8. ~[snip]~ Learn how to use mods ~[snip]~ I'm certain there'll be an RSS 2 made by new people, if not the guys who worked on the original one.
  9. You're not exactly describing a colony layout, but more of a "back of the envelope" plan on how big its going to be, and where you're going to put it. Here's my colony plan described in excrutiating detail: Firstly, yes, building a city in the middle of a large flat area is a good idea, but I would probably do it on minmus, as the gravity is low and there's huge swathes of extremely flat ground. The central area would have residential areas, vehicle construction facilities, and storage of common building resources such as metals and plastics. On the outskirts, to the east, there would be fuel factories for all the fuels I'd need; Xenon, Metallic Hydrogen, LF, LOX, as well as housing for a huge ore collection vehicle, which would move away from the city to an area with higher ore concentration to harvest ore for conversion back at the city. (possibly located in the hills, hence why the city isn't just built right on top of it) On the outskirts, to the west, there's vehicle containment, the landing and launch facilities. a square number of small landing pads (arranged in- you guessed it- a square) (larger landing craft take up more landing pads), and at least 4 parallel runways (larger planes simply take up more lanes). A trainline would run between vehicle containment and this area, either for transporting vehicles, cargo, or fuel. Lastly, on the outskirts, to the north, there's Kerbal nurseries and training facilities to get more pilots, engineers, and scientists available. This city would act as the gateway to the rest of the game, as vehicles no longer have to be launched from Kerbin, previously requiring enough force to push past the atmosphere and gravity.
  10. Pluto has more mass than Charon, so then it should be a planet under this definition, right? What would this make Charon? A moon?
  11. I've been having a problem for a while now. I'm not 100% certain if it's Waterfall FX that does this, but a lot of audio tends to cut out after a while from starting up the game. What used to be the rumbling thunder from a Mastodon just becomes silence when I use the same engine later. It remains like this until restarting the game, where the same thing happens: I hear the audio for a while, but then it decides to stop making sound. What's going on here? For more specific notes on what's happening, I have listed everything I can note down below: Audio that still works: Staging audio (Pressing spacebar/ pressing spacebar with no stages left) Ambient audio (Moving at high speeds through atmospheres, VAB audio) Audio that fails after some arbitrary amount of time (could be consistent, could be inconsistent, I'm not too sure) (All of these fail at once, not one at a time): All Engine/RCS audio Explosion audio Parachute deployment audio
  12. A ratio? What's the ratio? Who gets to decide what the ratio is? Is it specific, is it a range? If it's specific, what happens if we find a planet that perfectly sits on that exact ratio? Why does the presense of debris decide a planet's status? If we found a planet the size of Earth, but it's 'neighbourhood' resulted in a dwarf planet's ratio, is it a dwarf planet- not because it's undersized- but because it's "not big enough"? There's too much vagueness with the current definition. Too many unknowns and confusion. It's easiest to consider a "planet" as an object whose orbit is locked to a sun. Sub-planets are objects whose orbit is locked to a planet. Yes, this would also make asteroids planets, but not large enough to be considered important. Many asteroids are considered "Moons" anyways, so what's wrong with considering them planets if they orbit the sun? Technically, the Moon orbits the sun with the Earth. It's not like you're outside the sun's gravitational field just because you're in Earth's gravitational field. Mapping the moon's orbit as the earth moves around the sun looks like it has a similar orbit to the Earth, but oscillating from side to side due to its motion around Earth. If the Earth just disappeared, the moon would continue to orbit at the same speed and position as the Earth used to. So, technically, all moons orbit the sun, it's just that their motion is affected by the planet that they also orbit at the same time. As for @K^2's reasoning to consider the Earth's moon a planet because the sun has a more significant effect than the Earth, I'm not so sure about that. The moon's orbit forms a proper loop around its parent planet- Earth- so it is a satellite to Earth, therefore not a planet.
  13. With how beautiful the game is going to be; I'd like it to be high priority to explore every inch of Kerbin. Easter eggs, cool landscapes, possibly cities???
  14. I'm also using AVP, scatterer, EVE, etc, but it looks different. Sarnus and Urlum definitely look similar to Jool, but Neidon is very clearly purple. Perhaps it might look different if I went there with a ship instead of looking at it through the map?
  15. Very strange. Your Neidon looks very similar to AVP's Jool. Here is a screenshot from my map view: https://imgur.com/a/6WlsCJh
  16. Wait, can I see a screenshot of your version of Neidon, or was it just that whole "Is indigo a shade of blue or shade of purple" debate again?
  17. Interesting new problem: Shadow circles all over Jool. Only shows up in flight view. https://imgur.com/a/vcQuRDa
  18. Did the same thing again with the config set to the same version. Works perfectly now. Thanks!
  19. Update: Even after reinstalling my visual mods, Jool has remained glitched: https://imgur.com/a/4ekHCH0
  20. I want to understand the influence scatterer has on Jool's textures to make them that way. What the hell changed between 0.07 and 0.08 to make this happen? Edit: Changing to 0.0772 didn't fix it. Some things look much worse now. https://imgur.com/a/JbfOyGX
  21. Gotcha. Anyways, back the topic at hand: Is Jool still like this for you? Was there a time where you ever saw it how it's normally supposed to be?
  22. https://imgur.com/a/LTgH3YV I'm having problems with Jool. Jool's clouds are much darker than they're supposed to be. When running AVP in a previous version of KSP, there wasn't any issues. Could be other mods on my install list, but it's likely that other people have had this problem before. So, if there's the possibility that another mod is causing this, please let me know and I'll get you screenshots of my mod list. AVP and all other mods were installed using CKAN, so please don't tell me something about "installing it incorrectly".
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