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Jokpau Gaming

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  1. You might want to adjust the scoring, as It's not really worth trying to make a rocket as cheap as possible, because you could make, let's say, a 40,000 rocket that can go to another planet and that outweighs all the points for low cost. A few more things: 1. What do you need to do on mun/minmus? Flyby? Orbit? Land? 2. Does the rocket need to have crew or not? 3. Are cheats/Kal overclocking allowed? 4. Do you need to return from mun/minmus/other planet? Just want to help make the challenge a bit more precise
  2. A submission for the to orbit part with a rocket that contains only 7 parts (Will try to achieve others later): On launch pad: Flying: Hot staging: Orbit: Deorbit burn: Reenty: Slowing down(I did a landing burn but didn't get a screenshot of it): Landed(I decided to jump out for landing because I thought that the speed was too high, but somehow the upper stage survived. Does this count?): The uploading of all of this probably took longer than making the craft and testing it. At least it's done now. I will try to do the other challenges later.
  3. I didn't try this challenge yet, but you can disable fuel flow from tanks when you don't want them to be used.
  4. Thank you for showing it to me! I will be sure to add it too my career mode save. I might have to start the career mode all new again, but that doesn't really matter, because I only did flybys of mun and minmus.
  5. Hello, I recently installed Scansat on my career mode and I like that it makes probes have a bigger purpose than just a relay network or science crafts. Are there any other mods that add more functionality to probes? I would love to hear them
  6. I got 60 fatal errors when trying to load a new instance of KSP. I don't have any part mods in there, just some visual and gameplay mods. KSP log link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qqUjajGisXNWUAy4zmkTgSd6nfNkU6Zi/view?usp=sharing What should I do?
  7. cool! sorry for not responding for so long
  8. I made an even smaller version that could go to orbit, but kraken doesn't like it, so it's unflyable
  9. So I made a craft that is a bit too op. I cant seem to add any pictures here, so I will post a link to an imgur post: https://imgur.com/a/ebgjGid It costs 310 credits, a mass of 0,009 tons, modded
  10. There should be a cargo text at the bottom of each cfg file, at least I see it Something like this: MODULE { name = ModuleCargoPart stackableQuantity = 1 packedVolume = 40 And it shows the cargo part funcionality in game, at least in 1.11.0
  11. How is the merging with the real thing going? Will it still happen?
  12. Is there any way to fix [part name] doesn't have personal inventory space? The part in this case is ranger.minihab which is mks ranger mini habitation module from ModularKolonizationSystems I can work around that by going eva and then in the module, but that can sometimes be uncomfortable, for example in space
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