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Everything posted by Scarecrow71

  1. Colony management is NOT exploring space. Getting to the location, scouting resources, dropping the first building? That is exploration. All the micromanagement is not. Big difference there.
  2. But that's just SimCity. You put down areas for population (residential, commercial, emergency), place your power/water stations, create lines to run from them to your zoned areas. And that is NOT what we should be getting out of a SPACE EXPLORATION game. I mean, if that's what you want, fine and dandy, and you are more than entitled to play however you want. But this just seems to me like the developers are giving us a city management game with rocket building being an afterthought.
  3. Granted. His name is kept out of all discussions about the clones. Doesn't change the rest of the story, though. I wish R2's memory would have been wiped at the same time as C3PO's.
  4. That's...kind of unfair, don't you think? He wasn't saying he wanted a refund, but was rather commenting that we haven't seen much appreciable advancement in the game towards roadmap features to this point. And that the core systems that we were told years ago were ready are, in fact, not.
  5. [snip] I don't want to have to deal with this kind of stuff, [snip] to control every part of something, no matter how small. That is EXACTLY what we are going to be asked to do with colonies, even though we've been told we won't have to. [snip]
  6. If it works for you, and if that's how you want to play the game, then that's wonderful. FOR YOU. We were told we wouldn't have to deal with colony micro-management, yet here we are being told that we will have to deal with heat in colonies - through cooling towers, shade, water, radiators, and other ways/things. Which means colonies have to be micro-managed, lest they overheat while you're away on some other mission. I play KSP1 where I run 1 mission at a time. I don't want to have to focus on multiple rockets at once, so I only run one mission at a time. Putting heat on colonies now means I have to spend less time on rockets and more time wondering if I have enough parts to deal with heat at a colony, or if I have to run more parts there to deal with heat, or if I even should abandon that colony because I didn't put it in exactly the right spot and now it's gotta be moved because it's going to overheat. This game is about building rockets, not micro-management of colonies. If I wanted a colony micro-management game, I'd go back to playing Civilization. I'm here for the rockets, not the outposts.
  7. I am on record as saying Science won't be out before the 1 year anniversary of EA release. To prove that prediction wrong they still have 7 months to release it...and in @Nertea's dev blog he admits they are still conceptualizing heat and reentry. Not looking good for Science right now. At this point I'm ready to learn C coding.
  8. Ah, but we have to. This impacts everything to do with colonies: Can I build a colony at this location, or do I have to change sites? Do I have the requisite parts for heat dissipation? Can I build spare parts, or do I have to do missions to bring new ones? If I have to bring new parts, will I make it in time? Will I have to constantly watch the colony to make sure it doesn't blow up? And because of that, can I focus on building rockets? I want to build colonies, but I don't want to have to micro manage them.
  9. Hold the phone. Are we going to have to deal with heat in colony management? If so this game is going farther and farther away from building rockets, and I'm not sure I want any part of it any longer.
  10. The sarcasm and personal attack wasn't necessary. If it's so blatantly obvious, would you mind pointing it out for those of us who seemed to have missed it?
  11. So...when are we getting heat and re-entry effects?
  12. Dynamic variables always beats hard-coded values.
  13. Nope. Now it is the time for @kerbiloid. And it is also the time for a new page.
  14. Won't you listen to what the banned says? Listen to what the banned says.
  15. Apologies, but I can't see in the image waht is clipping and where? Also, a full list of mods would be appreciated as it may be a non-visual mod causing this.
  16. The questions I would have for an AMA with an engineer (but definitely interested in what others would ask): Do you have plans to flesh out/add a full trip planner into the game? If so, will that planner include any/some/all of the following features: alarm clock, transfer window calculator, gravity assist calculator? In a similar vein, are there plans to add any mods from KSP1 into stock KSP2? If so, can you give a few examples? Can you identify why the decision was made to rewrite the code base from scratch instead of adding on to/fixing the code base from KSP1? Although we are nowhere near 1.0 yet, can you give us an idea of what modding support might look like? What tools will be available, and what documentation will be provided to assist with modding?
  17. Sittin there with that "what's going on here" look, slapped all over your Chevy Chase!
  18. Banned on the run Banned on the run The jailor man And sailor Sam Searching everyone...for the Banned on the run!
  19. Heat is still off, so if I can get an intercept, I can plot the Pe at like 30000m and use the atmosphere to slow down. Anyhow, I'm in Eeloo's SOI, at about a 100000m orbit. It is just odd that I can't plot a course home from Eeloo, even though it was easy as cake to get there. I will try just leaving Eeloo and burning while in Kerbolar orbit?
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