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Everything posted by Scarecrow71

  1. Grantes. You are at the starship. But you are not on or in it. Rather, you are near it. In deep space. With no suit. Oh, you would feel joy cold space is if you hadn't asphyxiated. I wish I could survive in space without artificial life support.
  2. And that is my point. Those ones who don't use Twitter or Discord aren't as important. Or, rather, the forums and their members don't rate as high as other platforms, even though it all started here.
  3. And yet, after apologizing profusely within the last week about not communicating here, he didn't communicate here. Again.
  4. Odd, considering... So either @Dakota dropped the ball and forgot...or they are actively pushing asking the questions here so they can be ignored.
  5. This excuse is getting tiring. It's not a matter of how many questions are asked where, but a simple matter of representation. The forums accounted for 10% of the questions, and at that 2 of them were from the same user. I don't disagree with you about content; the questions answered should in fact be about the topic at hand. But to only pull 4 questions from the forums? That's ridiculous. It also doesn't help that there was no link to the AMA posted here on the forums. I had to find it on the sidebar through the site reposting it from Twitter. Dakota has stated he would be better about communications, and he once again dropped the freaking ball. This isn't about who asked how many questions, but rather about being entirely ignored. It's like the forums have no presence, and the CM's could care less.
  6. 34 questions answered. 29 (88%) from Discord. Only 4 questions answered from the forums...and at that, only 3 different users (one person had multiple questions answered). Only 1 question answered from Steam. 0 from every other social media platform that KSP2 is involved with. So, what's the point of asking questions here if they aren't going to be answered? Are you trying to subtly tell us that we need to get off the forums and join Discord?
  7. Considering that I only saw it on the side panel on the forums. I had no idea this even existed. Once again, ball dropped by mods with communication here on the forums. It makes me wonder why any of us are here when we just get ignored.
  8. @Dakota How soon before the livestream are you going to post the link to it here? Please tell me you aren't only going to post the link in Discord. EDIT Why do I have to constantly find what I need to find everywhere BUT the forums? From Twitter (which I don't use): twitch.tv/ksptv Is there a reason why you simply can't post this stuff on the forums?
  9. Agreed. Even as a supposed "veteran" of KSP1, there are still things I haven't done. Like landed on AND taken off from Eve. Or done a Jool-5. Or even seen the Mun arch. Yeah, I know - laugh at me for that last one. I don't know where it is, and I've asked everyone to not spoil it so I will find it organically. My point, however, is that there are things in KSP1 some of us vets haven't done. So interstellar? Yeah, it might be a while before I hit that one.
  10. Granted. You are a 12-sided die whose numbers have all rubbed off due to overuse, and are now confined to the very bottom of an old and smelly dice bag. You never get used. I wish I didn't know what a dodecahedron was.
  11. I'm actively looking at adding this functionality as a mod...but it would be nice to see if this will be stock. Also, @Ghostii_Space and/or @Dakota: Will the AMA be recorded for our listening/viewing pleasure at a later time? I have a work meeting at the time this one is scheduled and, unfortunately, cannot make it during the live thing.
  12. More like good morning. I'm thinking @AlamoVampire should make an appearance here.
  13. So, I was doing some testing today, and I can say with absolute confidence that I did NOT experience this bug. New campaign, 0.1.3, new craft. I had the Cornet engine on the Mk-1 Tin Can, and after burning all my fuel off during descent I decoupled...and kept slowing down. I decoupled the engine below 30km, though, so perhaps it's an issue with when the command pod has nothing under it? I also manually decoupled through the PAM instead of using the space bar, so maybe that's it? Either way, after decoupling, kept slowing down and finallly was able to use the 2 chutes to land safely.
  14. So I tested in KSP2 today for probes losing control. I can report that, with CommNet turned off (turning off the setting to require probes being part of CommNet), there is no loss of control on the probes. This means that I can no longer complain about this issue! Woot!
  15. I'm curious as to why the sale is only on Steam and not on Epic. @Dakota, can you answer that question?
  16. Perhaps I'm old and blind, but is there no bug report for loss on control for probes upon decoupling?
  17. This mod has been validated as working in 0.1.3!
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