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Everything posted by Scarecrow71

  1. You want better and cheaper? I picked up Fallout New Vegas with all DLC for free through Epic a couple weeks ago. No, it ain't new. But a full game free? Yes, please.
  2. VR support would be cool. And even though they've already shot this down, I'd like to see mobile support. We won't get it, but I'd still like to see it.
  3. It is all trial and error, unfortunately. Save just before trying. Upon liftoff, pitch over and see what trajectory you have. Of it isn't right, load that save and pitch over the other direction. What I do is, during initial descent, I make sure to roll the capsule so the door will be facing east(ish) when I land. That way, upon liftoff, I know to pitch towards the capsule door.
  4. How? Axial tilt has nothing to do with a bodies' orbital inclination, and the tilt has no effect on where the equator is or doing a gravity turn. EDIT: After thinking on it, the orbit of the craft would be on a different plane than the orbit of the body.
  5. Can someone explain to me the importance of axial tilt as it relates to KSP1 and/or KSP2? Unless we are going to get inhabitable planets, or get the ability to terraform...what is the signifance?
  6. The sticky one in the theater. Why do some people dream in color while others don't?
  7. And it's RemoteTech. I've not played with that mod before, but it came up with the Contracts mods I installed, so I grabbed it. And while it has a decent learning curve, it adds a bit of realism to the game I didn't know I wanted. I like having to have a connection for probes to work, but this takes it to another level. So yeah, this one is on me. Never mind!
  8. To hear that you have 3 people working on this AND it's crossing through multiple areas of the code (axial tilt, SOI hand-off, etc.) is both disappointing and encouraging. Disappointing that it's so deep in the code that it may take several more patches before it is fixed, but encouraging because you guys are hard at work in identifying where it lies and how to go about fixing it. And thank you for the continued communication; the transparency is most welcome. Only question I have now, that won't get answered for a while, is...when is the next patch coming?
  9. So I am playing in 1.12.5, and I've got mods installed (full list to follow). Everything seems to be in working order, and I can launch and get to orbit and do all kinds of stuff. However, there is a large red dot over the KSC, and no matter how many antenna I put on something, I don't get the green lines showing a connection back to the KSC. I've got a screenshot in the first spoiler, and the mods in the second one. Anybody know why this is? I can grab the log file if necessary, but there aren't any errors that I've seen in it, nor are any errors coming up. I do have "Must have connection" enabled, but even removing that doesn't do anything. And I've been seeing satellites not get connections, which means they are useless.
  10. 10.3.4 And yes, @Dakota, that's the issue.
  11. Yeah, it's stuck at 10.3.4, and I only use it for light internet surfing and a couple of harmless games. If I could play KSP on it, I'd upgrade in a heartbeat. As it is, upgrading isn't a priority because, as I mentioned, there are only 2 sites I go to that are now borked on it.
  12. I am pretty sure the answer to this is going to be some combination of "You have an outdated mobile device" and "Bring yourself into the 21st century", but... ...the latest forum update has broken my ability to use the forum to its full potential on my iPad Gen 4. I can no longer tap to see notifications (people PMing me, quoting me, etc.), nor can I post from that device. Things were fine until the latest update, which tells me that something in the update is causing the problem. I highly doubt there is anything that can be done, but this is only the 2nd website I've experienced this on with this particular device, which means that, even though the device is old, it is still mostly functional.
  13. Watterson was a master at weaving social commentary through the mind of a child. C&H was way ahead of its time.
  14. Nope. But I have been to several Renaissance festivals in my life. TUBM has seen every episode of the Dungeons and Dragons cartoon.
  15. Because not a single bug that's been reported here has been squashed, right?
  16. It shows the current trajectory, unless you are plotting an interplanetary transfer, in which case it is part of the bug.
  17. That...already exists. That nifty white line in map view?
  18. It has already been confirmed by Nate that robotics will not be part of the game prior to 1.0. Which is why the hope is that robotics ends up in DLC at some point after 1.0. And if you are looking for where he stated that...the first AMA.
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