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Everything posted by Scarecrow71

  1. Granted. Now only bad ideas sell out to greedy companies, and nobody ever has a good idea ever again. I wish local stores wouldn't eventually become international conglomerates.
  2. @alfrank Unfortunately, my recording isn't working this morning. For some reason I'm not capturing my audio/speaking, and I have to dig into that before I can record anything for you. I'm not sure, though, what the confusion still is here. I explained everything above. What is still not making sense to you?
  3. This is my biggest pain point in the game. I am so very glad you guys are working on this, and I can't wait to get the next patch so we can see if this is finally fixed. With that said, @Nate Simpson, are there any updates on when we can maybe start to expect Science in the game? Thus is the only topic I didn't even see you touch on, and one of the things you mentioned last week would be part of your weekly updates.
  4. At this point I really don't care when the next patch drops. We were told June, and we were told that doesn't mean June 30. But, we haven't gotten any update on whether or not June is still on track, so even with the increased transparency in communication we don't know what we don't know, you know? Anyhow, if/when the next patch drops, I'll update the game and fire it up to see what changed. There won't be any Science, and we are getting 3 new engines. But if the major bugs aren't fixed in this patch, that coupled with no Science will just make me say "Well, they fixed some stuff" and then shut it down again. I'm not going to fight the bugs, and I'm not wasting my any more time in Sandbox mode than I absolutely have to. But I'm also not going to be upset or whine about it. I have almost no faith left in the company, and I've got plenty of other games to play while TT/PD/IG decides whether or not to get their stuff together and deliver the game they promised they were making. Until then, it's a waste of energy to get mad over it any longer.
  5. @alfrank That screenshot is a correct maneuver already. I think a proper explanation is in order. When you do a maneuver to return from the Mun (or Minmus) you will always get 2 lines. You get a gold line to show your trajectory as you are leaving the Mun, and then the purple one to show what your orbit around Kerbin will eventually be once you leave the Mun's sphere of influence and enter Kerbin's sphere of influence. The two lines will start the way you see them, with them looking like they don't connect. This is correct and the way it should be. However, as your craft moves along the trajectory away from the Mun (along the gold line) the gold line - and, by extension, your craft) will move both along the gold line AND towards the purple one. At the end of the gold line is a little ball; this signifies the point along that trajectory where you exit the Mun's sphere of influence. When you exit the SOI, the gold line will be touching the purple line for a bit, and then it will disappear and the purple line will turn blue. Does that help? If not, I can create a video to explain this. Just tag me if you need more help!
  6. Wrong! TUBM posts no less than 20 times daily.
  7. Granted. But now every other file on your hard drive is corrupted. I wish I spoke binary.
  8. Oh, so close. But not really. @AlamoVampire
  9. Which part are you trying to use? Is it just one part, or multiple parts? Can you post the log file so we can see what error you are getting?
  10. I tried to open the log file, but I'm getting an access error. Can you check permissions on the file?
  11. Nothing to reply to because kspbutitscuraed forgot AGAIN. TUBM doesn't forget to actually reply along the lines of the thread.
  12. Now the user below you is sickened by being reminded that Disney screwed up Star Wars. TUBM has never been to Disney World.
  13. I say move the file you created out of the directory and run the Steam check again. That might allow Steam to grab the missing file.
  14. Been messing around with the RemoteTech mod, and I finally got the hang of how to create a satellite network. I put 4 of them up in keosynchronous orbit, in a pseudo-square to get maximum coverage for things in LKO. The first shot shows the satellite (I used the same design for all 4), while the second and third shots show the paths. CommSat II has a short path through CommSat I, while CommSat III has a short path through CommSat IV. You will notice that CommSat III has a line going towards the Mun; this is intentional. I'm going to point one of the dishes from each of the satellites out towards the Mun's orbital path so that I will have the ability to have a network path out there too.
  15. It's been 3.5 months since launch, not 5. Your math is just a bit off. The rest of your statement is not, however. No new content, no Science, and no updates on completion of the roadmap. But Nate did tackle quite a few questions about bugs in his first post in this thread, and it looks like we are on track to get an update this month. When, I don't know, so please spare me the lecture about how we are waiting patiently for nothing; it won't do anything to add to the conversation. Speaking of which...you don't own the game, do you? Have you actually played it, or are you just piling on without any actual experience of it yourself?
  16. Nope. TUBM has starred in a television sitcom.
  17. Yes I have. And I didn't care for it, to be honest. TUBM cannot play KSP1 without MechJeb2.
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