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Everything posted by Kreuzung

  1. You don't have to quit KSP, the logfile is written to the hard drive each time a log message appears (that's probably the reason why logging a lot of things lags the game too).
  2. This is what we have so far, thanks to everyone continuing a mod: Tiberion - Gemini Romfarer - Sunbeam Kreuzung - ShaderReplacer, Range Adjust mustwinfull - Gravity Canceller Still left are: Carts AutoStrut Seaplane Floats (sort-of covered by previous 2) Bicoupler (doesn't really need maintenace) I'd like to hear if there's someone interested in continuing these, especially Carts because it's one of the most important plugins we have in KSP.
  3. New version contains optional key and energy consumption parameters, also fixed some issues, enjoy.
  4. Hmmm, the error is thrown in ModuleKrBattery, so it cannot be the engine (works fine for me with included config too). You said that you're only using EPS batteries, but the error is thrown in my part module, how can that be?
  5. I dunno why, but there's KSP_Data\output_log.txt or so, just open it in a text editor that reloads if the file is changed.
  6. The version from KOSMOS should be fine. Edit: Updated to 1.5
  7. It should keep things loaded up to a distance of 85km or so.
  8. >SzaboMarton_D We have better plans for the station pack:sticktongue:
  9. Sorry but why? Some paranoya program blocking it?
  10. I share your opinion about the engines, but there whould be little sense in implementing it if nobody wants it. I dunno about the atmospheric losses, I didn't even write the new sun detection code, that was all Innsewerants' awesome work, I don't even have the physics knowledge I whould need for that (did I really go to school for 9 years just to sit in front of a '_(physics)' Wikipedia article and think "WTF"?).
  11. I just saw that ShaderReplacer is very simple, so I whould take it too if nobody else does.
  12. >PakledHostage There's Tosh's shader replacer plugin which adds a transparent shader (cart plugin does the same for the Truck's windows) which you could use.
  13. Hi, sadly Tosh left and abandoned all his plugins, but he allowed the community to continue what he started. I don't want these amazing mods to die because of multiple incompatible versions made by different users, so I whould suggest that we discuss the question about who continues what in this thread. I won't decide anything in here because these aren't my plugins, if two or more want to continue the same one please discuss that in here. I whould take range adjust because I've already been asked to make something like that by the KOSMOS team and the other plugins are a bit too high for my programming skills. Kreuzung
  14. Sorry, that was a bit unclear, the fix hasn't been released yet.
  15. It's a bit different to other decouplers because it uses the (undocumented) decouple function of the animation part module (the included plugin wasn't meant to be released anyway). It should decouple when it starts to play the animation.
  16. >cheez, kockaspiton It's fixed (at least my super laggy ship works fine now), see this thread.
  17. You add partResGenerator = True power = [something] to the part.cfg.
  18. >Dartmauk It sometimes behaves a little weird. Make sure that the solar panel has been activated by staging (this won't be required anymore from the next version on). >CrashnBurn The Solar Buddy 2000 is currently at 35% efficiency, but I think I'll go with 30%.
  19. >Exovian Why? I took the effort to make an animation part module for this and cBBp used MuMech to make the RCS drain correctly and the engines also use RCS fuel to make it simpler.
  20. It's very heavy and cannot support an ion engine at full thrust, but it's good if you don't mind having a horrible TWR because you can use the ion engine at night too. You should consider using one or two batteries instead though, they're a lot lighter than a single reactor.
  21. Just a warning because this seems to become popular, I had to remove retractAnim, so please don't create a separate animation for retracting as it won't work with the next release.
  22. I think it's the Resources.Contains("Energy") ... I'll make some really large test ships to see if it works, also removed the if (GetVesselEnergy(vessel) < Amount) return false; because it shouldn't boost performance anymore.
  23. What did you include the indev plugin? This will be funny... Edit: Just saw that it's the unreleased 1.4.4, it should be fine to use it.
  24. >Thrfoot So it probably is the part count... Means I just have to make it only check for the energy-holding parts on the vessel and not the rest.
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