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Everything posted by Liam_The_Great

  1. Have you tried turning the "Always show closest encounter to target" setting off in the main menu? I have an issue similar to this and that fixes it for me.
  2. Every time I launch a craft I manually set the camera to free mode. (so much work, I know). Any mod that will make it the default when launching?
  3. If you have multiple engines running side-by-side and you decouple some of them, the game will put the delta-v remaining after the decouple in the decoupler stage. For example if you have one mammoth and two clydesdales burning at the same time, with the clydesdales running out of fuel first, the delta-v you have left after decoupling the clydesdales will be shown in the decoupler stage.
  4. The bug where engine plumes run at 50% even though the engine is at 100% still hasn't been fixed
  5. Wow, that's really impressive camacju!
  6. It definitely is possible, Bradley Whistance has actually landed on Eve and come back with only SRBs.
  7. If you're on steam, try verifying the integrity of the game's files.
  8. That's too much fuel per engine. Each engine can only lift a finite amount of fuel, so you need to either take out some fuel or add more engines without adding more fuel.
  9. Prograde/retrograde is level 1, radial in/out and normal/anti-normal is level 2, and target/anti-target and maneuver is level 3.
  10. Are you using a high enough level kerbal/probe core to be able to select maneuver in the first place? Try it in a sandbox save with the best probe core.
  11. When you right click the decoupler, there should be an option to either enable or disable fuel crossfeed. Make sure that it's disabled and this won't happen.
  12. Thanks so much, man. I downloaded the save file editor and deleted all the asteroids and now it runs just fine. Huge thanks
  13. Alright, I'll have to try letting the game run at 1 time warp when I get the chance. Thanks
  14. I know I can do that, but I'm asking why are they all showing up? I should only be able to see the ones near kerbin.
  15. I can see every unknown object in existence. It's not because of telescope probes, it must be a bug, and it's making my game run horribly slowly. Here is my modlist: ClickThroughBlocker ToolbarController BetterTimeWarp HangarExtender KerbalAlarmClock KerbalEngineer
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