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    The singularity of Sagitarius A*
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    KSP, PC Master race and JDMs

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  1. When two or more pieces are superposed, the kraken transform the craft into a mash, idk which is causing this here is an example ---> https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1kxhXLyyvse82G03-bCS065arduPbxq9O (and game data folder)
  2. @kerbmario There isn't any problem with your mod, the same thing happens with parts from other mods or vanilla
  3. @kerbmario with only neist and squad base content, doesn't occur, i'll be testing other mods one by one for know which is the culprit
  4. @kerbmarioabove all this occurs between stock and neist parts with struts connecting stock and neist is "more" stable @kerbmario nah with struts keeps exploding
  5. yes, i've experienced the same issue in all aircrafts that've at least one part like cockpits or 25/31/50 PC/PD i'll try kjr and P9.2 together
  6. @kerbmario here is a video of spawning an aircraft with parts of your mod ---> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1kxhXLyyvse82G03-bCS065arduPbxq9O I'll try the new version in case that tweakscale is causing that
  7. hey @kerbmario airplanes made with your parts, as soon as you launch it, it disintegrates into all possible parts, not even with autostrut is it physically stable
  8. anyone knows how to improve structural stability, any airplane brokes in pieces in less than 3 secs
  9. ***Update*** Fatal error solved, KFC/aircraft carriers accesories mod is the cause of the fatal error
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