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Maria Sirona

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Everything posted by Maria Sirona

  1. That's actually a prettyyy darn cool idea
  2. First question: Will the original four (i.e. Jeb, Bill, Bob and Val) be in KSP2? Second question: KSP2 will feature interstellar travel and technologies for that, such as the Daedalus drive (the engine that Project Daedalus would use.). One technology for interstellar voyages i particularly like is the Magnetic sail- basically a magnetic field a ship produces and then it uses it like a solar sail or a light sail except the Magnetic sail is a lot faster. Any chance it will be in KSP2?
  3. Skin, a pretty obvious choice for me. All the others frankly look bad.
  4. Welcome to the forums new one
  5. Maria Sirona


    Hellooooo and welcome to the forums
  6. I can see this is gonna be great And also, i think that more images would do wonders to this mission report. Especially pics of the actual launch of the rockets. Anyway, if the message didn't come clear enough, dis äpic.
  7. Sen kielen nimi on lyyti! Tai lyydin kieli. Kummasta vain tykkäät enemmän. Lyydin kielessä muun muassa ei käytetä lainkaan j:tä, mutta muuten se on aika suomen kaltainen. Vaikutteita on kyllä karjalan kielestäkin, ja omia pikku temppujakin olen lisännyt. Tässä on vähän fraaseja suomeksi ja lyydiksi. Suomi Minä olen keksinyt uuden kielen! Kutsun sitä lyydiksi/lyydin kieleksi. Lyy'in keli Miä oon kekkiny uu'en kelen! Miä kuttun sitt' lyy'in keleksi. Suomi Britit juo paljon teetä. Lyy'in keli Bri'iläeset iua palion tiitä. Suomi Muniin pääsy on kyllä julmetun vaikeata! Ihan vain että on jotain KSP:hen liittyvää. Lyy'in keli Muniin päzy o' kyl iulmetun vaekeeta! Ihan vaan et o' iotain KSP:hen liidyvhää. Suomi En minä keksi lisää. Lyy'in keli En miä kekki lizää.
  8. The icelandic and finnish people are nordic too!
  9. Heii tyypit, mä olen suomalainen! Ketään muita suomalaisia täällä? Or other finno-ugrics for that matter?
  10. Please accept this Dearest welcome to the forums! ...or you will be scronched
  11. I can imagine that a story's main character is someone who knows nothin' about space and a warship's captain says to them: "Space battles aren't like in movies, pal. It is more like ".
  12. This thread is about the acronyms/initialisms you made yourself
  13. Here are mine: APEXR= Autonomous Planetary EXploration Rover A rover with 3 crew capability. Not much to say. RETRO= REusable Two-stage ROcket Basically a SpaceX Starship replica with a few modifications of mine. REAPER= Rocket Engine Assisted spacePlane ExpeRimentations The acronym is a bit forced, but basically the REAPER was my first and so far only SSTO plane attempt. It only made 3 flights which all failed before i decided i don't wanna mess with planes in KSP.
  14. Maybe you should have multiple people first write a battle together, and then actually conduct the battle in KSP? I would love to help you in the writing part of it. Gonna follow you BTW.
  15. I joined at... Was it 0.99? Well anyway, the only beta version of KSP.
  16. So, uh, i don't think of clipping fuel tanks as a cheat. Yip. That's my controversial opinion. My justification for it is that the fuel is highly pressurised. And the extra weight of the tanks themselves? The thicker shell of the fuel tank required to handle the extra pressure obviously wheighs more. Just thought i'd like to tell.
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