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Everything posted by JB182

  1. Banned bc ur location is on the mun but your profile pic is on earth
  2. No, i don't even want it, PC is enough. TUBM has an RC (Remote Controlled) toy vehicle.
  3. thats awesome, but u don't show how you move it, just with letters and not in video.
  4. no, but i have a toy excavator that i never play again. wait, is that count? TUBM likes rocket.
  5. granted, but the two was changed to tree bc its closer to three i wish i can make a car
  6. i've never do that thin' so no. TUBM have played ksp for 200 hours or more
  7. banned for saying mars instead of Duna and mispelling the
  8. banned for mispelling democracy
  9. u mean, flash jeb? flash is discontinued. is @Admiral Fluffy online?
  10. no TUBM have 5 games (excluding ksp).
  11. ill crash those asteroids today (or tommorow idk, i want to play my new game on my phone). and that means, rendesvouz, c'mon, im bad at it.
  12. banned for disturbing me playing a game called [I WONT TELL U]
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