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Everything posted by Dev_135

  1. All good! Nice to see the mod coming alive *Somewhat* again. would it take longer to recieve the update if you do the real deployment animation, like match the real life one, not the way it is right now?
  2. Hey, i raised my texture, and render quality, and it's still not working. I have TU installed. What can I do about this?
  3. (Sorry if I broke any rules, I'm new to forums) ------------------------------------------------------- https://discord.gg/V9vrrBuXXs Hello! I'm the NASA Administrator of NASA-KSP. I'd like to share an opportunity with others that can be exiciting, fun, and joyful at the same time. NASA-KSP is a server where we simulate real life, but in KSP. NASA-KSP has alot to offer like: -Leasing launch pads -Earning NASA contracts (i.e. HLS, COTS, CRS, Commercial Crew Program, etc..) -Earn DOD payloads. -Launch leading way technology. -------------------------------------------------------- In NASA-KSP, you can start any company, from Roscosmos, ESA, Firefly Aerospace, Astra, Nothrop Grumman, and more! These companies can also be made up companies that have their own rocket. You can build from sounding-rockets to all the way up to Super-Heavy Launch Vehicles (SHLV). We have one of the most simulated contract applications ever, where you apply for payloads you want to launch. For example, we are coming up on the 2021 year, so we will have IXPE, James Webb, and more! We also share some similarities to the real life space community. We operate our own website, that shares company pricing, and launch schedules! The schedules share to almost 1 year out, and plan new missions. The website is updated weekly to give the newest information to users that are here to spectate, or here to provide satellites to our launches. Currently, we have had 3 companies up and running. The group has been going for about a year, and on the fall sadly. This is why I'm taking to the forums to keep the community growing. For the whole year i've been here, I'ld like to say that the community is outstanding. The community has been passionate about their missions, and show who the space community really is from the knowledge. I encourage all to join if possible, as it's a great experience. Below, you can see the passion of the group, in images. Please consider some people have not the state of the art computers, so visuals will differ from images. Discord: https://discord.gg/V9vrrBuXXs Website: https://sites.google.com/view/nasakspkla/home Hope you enjoy! See you on the other side.
  4. Hey bcink! I've been trying to use this mod for the past 2 months, but the solar shield doesn't show up on my JWST. Is there a reason why, or is it just my settings?
  5. I would most definetely. I support mods like this because theres not many up-to-date ones out there like China right now
  6. Hello. My Sun shield aren't showing up. I have all dependancies installed correctly, and I can't think of anything else. Shall I raise my Texture Quality or render quality?
  7. Good day! Is there plans to make a trello/discord group for updates on the mod, user feedback, and suggestions?
  8. Is there a way w can get a config to use this in Stock KSP? It's great in 2.5x but I play stock size KSP more often.
  9. Also is there a way that tantares solar panels can do the zarya fold?
  10. Hey JadeOfMaar, KerbinSide Remastered duplicates a bunch of parts, what shall i do?
  11. I love mod errors, or might be my errors? Who knows? proton with pizza hut is my favorite. and then the video of that astronaut eating pizza hut pizza
  12. Yea im using b9partswitch and its still like that, i try to change colors and it doesnt, but soyuz works perfectly. its only the progress descent module, and orbital module..
  13. Hi Sarbian. I'm having issues with mechjeb being installed but not showing up. What's going on? You can check the log at: ExtincDev/Help-thread-: Random Uploads (github.com) I have it installed correctly but its not popping up to use.
  14. Hey Beale! Having issues currently with the progress craft. The exterior stowage boxes, descent module, and orbital module are both fully tan. Is this a common issue with dependencies that are needed?
  15. Good morning/afternoon benjee! Will you be adding a config file and or a new model that will install the iROSA's either over the current solar arrays or just standalone?
  16. Ayo beale! Possibly get an orlan suit or the new russian capsule soon?
  17. Hey Benjee! I have a couple questions. 1.Will you ever make a discord for all of your mods? 2. May you make tutorials on how to make Planetside bases? All questions from my friend.
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