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  • About me
    I'm not crazy, I'm just mad.
  • Location
    Third star to the left and on till dawn.
  • Interests
    Watching creative people come up with new wonders while Politicians come up with new ways to tax them.

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  1. Ok writing (not righting) I lost everything fo the last 2 years. Way before KSP was in my life. I am going to have dowwnload everyhing from scratch including my own mod. The only custom craft I will have will be through downloading what I have put up on kerbal X, pics from what I have put up here. I had just done all the work on the Kerbin Rover except for photos and write up for Spacedock. Going to have to start from scratch, all the Space1999 work gone. All editing software. etc . Will be swearing to myself alot for a while. Hope you all are smarter than me and have backed up all your work. Peace out brothers.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ColdJ


      Yep, it was nice of that guy to put up configs and textures for everyone so that I can recover some of my work. :D

    3. Stormpilot


      When I upgraded my PC in about September 2019 I transferred the hard drives from my old PC to my new one. It had everything that was on the old computer EXSEPT everything I had in KSP including mods and custom craft files. I had the game itself but all of those things were lost…

    4. ColdJ


      Sad I feel that you too know the pain.

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