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    I'm not crazy, I'm just mad.
  • Location
    Third star to the left and on till dawn.
  • Interests
    Watching creative people come up with new wonders while Politicians come up with new ways to tax them.

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  1. It was quiet, too quiet, so quiet you could here a thread being pulled. I lived my life a bottle at a time and right now I was aging fast. Just then, there was a knock on the forum index and a dame walked in with greenest skin and the reddest lips you ever saw. Her name was Val, and I could tell by the size of her head that she had a good one. She said she had a job for me, apparently the pips she had earned had disappeared and she was hoping I could find them. I said "That sounds like a job for the Moderators" She said that she had tried but there was nothing they could do. I wanted to refuse, but when she looked at me with her huge eyes I knew that I was locked into a path that I would probably soon regret.

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