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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. Nope. Sorry but there is a thread for that. I wish that when you asked why something was borked when new content was created, that someone on the production team actually answered.
  2. Because they are jealous of each others Youtube subscribers. I wish the translation program had better grammar and syntax.
  3. Granted: Listening as I type.. (We best stop posting video as this should probably be in the "What song is stuck in your head" thread.) I wish voice was more important than flashy when it came to the music charts.
  4. Granted: I watched and listened to this. @Kerbal Productions In return I wish you to watch and listen to.
  5. @Deddly I would have tapped, rather than clicked the thing that is never unlocked, but it is never unlocked when I am on.
  6. Granted: Now you know we can't have nice things. I wish things lasted when you need them too.
  7. Granted: You watch movies on your smartphone while sitting in the snow. I wish to Shake it Off. (Yes I know why she is creating new versions of old hits, because of her old production company selling the rights off of her back catalogue in a way that liquided her off.) Ha. forum censor got me . P.I.S.S.E.D
  8. Banned for Winnie the Pooh reference
  9. Granted: She re-announces that she has re-re-recorded the re-recorded recording of the record that she once recorded before the rights to her recordings got sold off. I wish that makes sense.
  10. Banned for slow typing by me. Doh!
  11. Banned for referencing something I have never used (because I read the terms and conditions) again.
  12. Granted: They update their interface to play "Play that funky music white boy." I wish my funk was funky.
  13. Banned for simply athletic commotions.
  14. Banned, Because I can sympathise. Has happened to me twice since I joined.
  15. Banned for the great Ban War that ended the year 2021 and made this thread "Hot"
  16. Welcome to BabyHillon 5
  17. Banned for if you can see this, you're officially the new Leader of Tinygrad egap wen kool yeh
  18. Banned for distracting me while I was reading about Lucy from the Charlie Brown comic strip.
  19. Banned for Banning Me for Banning BlackMesaSurvivor for Banning Me for Banning Kerbiloid who Banned Scarecrow71 who banned you because of their sneaky spoiler in their signature. Just felt like it one last time.
  20. Banned for Banning Me for Banning Kerbiloid who Banned Scarecrow71 who banned you because of your sneaky spoiler in your signature.
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