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Everything posted by BuranAce

  1. Perfect! I can drop a few Tsar Bombas from my Buran and nuke those damn zombies УРАААААААААААААААА
  2. Wrong @Ben J. Kerman don't fail me boy
  3. I like planes, like a lot. Epically the Lancaster. Ace is pretty self explanatory.
  4. Nah, Its made by Mysterysoft Founded by Mystery Gates Why does Ben Kerman like cranes so much>
  5. That's the thing. they don't exist. We are all living on a simulated flat earth controlled by time travelling lizard aliens. Wake up!
  6. Manned before unmanned. I want to build stuff like small probes and sounding rockets far before manned spacecraft.
  7. Eat the island and quit whining. Waiter there is Minmus in my soup!
  8. It tastes better, who wouldn't want a caramel fueled rocket. mmmmmmmm.
  9. Yes, Robotic Manipulators. The big metal arm things on your shuttle and station. Not clear enough? Here are some examples. Canadarm 2 Tiangong Robotic Arm European Robotic Arm Kibo Robotic Manipulator
  10. Granted but its a toy I wish Canada could make their own spacecaft
  11. Granted but the doughnuts are LOX flavoured I wish I could have infinite wishes
  12. You can now concentrate but every time you concentrate someone dies. I wish I had a Buran.
  13. Because some funny monkies ate fruit and got big brain. afther doing big brain monke stuff for millions of years one monke got bored and made video games. a few years later some Mexican flavored monkes made a video game about funny space sticks and astro frogs. then yet another monke decided to make fourms and thought fourm games were a good idea. the end. directed by george lucas. Why is Walt Kerman wearing a hazmat suit for public relations?
  14. Because its a computer right to spontaneously combust Why is Canada
  15. So have I for my fictional Canadian shuttle, the Thor-Class. Id show a picture if i could but surprisingly for the 13 year old who knows (basic) orbital mechanics yet has no idea how to post a photo :I
  16. I don't speak funny British wizard How do i steal a Buran from soviet officials and grab a taco on the way?
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