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Everything posted by BuranAce

  1. The buran was based on the us shuttle, but it was ultimately improved. Time to describe America in one word. Narcissistic. I found this on the disgusting hive that is the simpleplanes website. I love how dumb the jundroo community is lol (jundroo made simplerockets 2 and simpleplanes)
  2. KSP shouldn't even be on console period. The controls are horrible, the FPS is horrible and its buggy as hell. The only good thing about console I can think of is the Mun base.
  3. @Stormpilot I don't want to sound annoying, but i would really apricate that you entered my challenge
  4. Random question, but what are those numbers under each comment of yours?

    1. AlamoVampire


      @BuranAce believe it or not thats turned into an FAQ lol. Ive been doing it for a few years now.  Its a personal time stamp. In this format: 24hour clock Month Day Year: 1546 07 27 2021 or condensed 154607272021 its just a way for me to know precisely when a post was made. 

    2. BuranAce
  5. I used to when is was 10 TUBM likes Buran
  6. He's from Vancouver and hes drunk why isnt he drinking sea water Waiter! There is soup in my soup in my soup in my soup in my soup in my soup
  7. The crew of the much beloved CSL returned after 2 years. And a very successful landing in the desert I also sent my first jool probe! sadly it did not have enough fuel to orbit but it did a flyby (sorry, I lost the photos of the launch and jool)
  8. Huh? For All Kerbal kind as in a parody of For All Mankind? If so count me in.
  9. Awesome! The Canadarm was manufactured not to far from where I live!
  10. It is flat, along with the earth. don't forget that the earth is the center of the universe. how do I breathe.
  11. Granted but its the megathread I wish for a new matt lowne video
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