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Everything posted by BuranAce

  1. Your bladder explodes and you with it. How many 7 year olds have you kidnapped?
  2. Its been a while since i made a meme, so here's one i made just before launching my Duna rover, lets hope it goes well!
  3. Dwight and Jim lol If you want a more serious name go for Caelum and Vigil
  4. I hate it with every inch of my body Say "No. I don't play roblox." if you believe SR2 is better than KSP
  5. I fly a B-58 Hustler over the hill and drop a 48 Kiloton nuclear bomb, killing everyone expect myself and destroying the hill No ones hill
  6. Granted, but now that you own earth a resistance forms and topples your tyranny as the leader of earth. I wish for some actual photos of the new Canadian moon rover,
  7. Germany + Moar boosters = The OTRAG It was literally just boosters lol.
  8. The kerbal community is definitely the most tightly knitted and well behaved community I've ever seen.
  9. It successfully makes it into the loading screen but the only mods you get is the pony mod and restock I wish for an idea of what to wish for because im all out.
  10. Well, what did i do? I suffered. In my career save 1 was sending Ventress 1 to minmus, when disaster struck. the station itself was very unstable due to the size of the shuttle Ventress on it, causing it to be very unstable. The station was ditched as the crew used Ventress to land on minmus and wait for rescue. Ventress Detaches from Carvel for the first and last time, Leaving it to go into solar orbit where it will decay as a lost dream. Aproaching Suicide burn Ventress is now on the Minmusian surface, where it will stay forever. The original 4, stranded in there mangled space shuttle that will serve as a base (dont pay attention to the turret and star wars ship made out of scrap, Bill was bored).
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