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Everything posted by BuranAce

  1. I will admit the aurora is cool, but there's also no records saying it exists.
  2. Oh, Helicopters Too? i guess ill do some helis and favorite civil planes. DC-8, I'm fairly new to it but by the looks of it it seems to be a pretty awesome plane. Super Cub! id love to own one some day And heli? tough choice but it has to be CH-148Cyclone of the Canadian Navy!
  3. There has been a lot of favorite forums going around so i guess ill start this thread. (Not in order)
  4. I mean, some of my family lives out east and sounds just like that (I personally live in Ontario)
  5. Aboot that bud, it seems there is a loot of Canadians on Kerbal, Eh?
  6. Agreed. CF-105 DHC-5 Caribou SU-27 B-1B And being the Buran guy I have to do this, Technically the Buran is a plane, right?
  7. Whelp Here it is, A face reveal. Went shopping not to long ago to and picked up this sweater, isn't it nice? Ugh, forgot to mention i have this really annoying brother who claims hes "more effective" then me smh Im a huge fan of fishing too And one last photo of me, wasn't I so adorable as a baby?
  8. @Stormpilot Use your Drunk Russian wizard powers and reply!
  9. Ive never been to dres but from my understanding its discount mun so no i don't apricate dres
  10. The soup needs to go do some errands and your coming with Waiter there is a Almaz 2 Soviet Spy Station in my Soup!
  11. What the hell im not Ben Kerman, ill take the LEGO though Waiter there is a Gemini MOL in my soup
  12. For all I know you could all just be NPCs and myself being a player in a hyper advanced video game in the future. Something to think about.
  13. SR2 is better than KSP (jk, SR2 was a huge waste of money) Rockets are bad for the environment and waste money, go spend it on the poor (maybe you wouldn't be poor if you had brain cells) For all mankind is a bad drama show (it is not, possibly one of the best shows ever)
  14. Granted but it's head cheese I wish I could come up with an idea for what to wish for
  15. Banned being Russian and not Soviet Russian. Come to the dark side, we have Burans and Vodka.
  16. 0/10 I had no idea what that means so I'm going to assume your a supercomputer. I am a human because i said so and if you say im not your being trans-speciesphobic and that's a human right #pride #trans-speciesandproud
  17. Actually, Its 27*c right now and its like living on Venus, so wrong. Banned for Liking cranes.
  18. Granted but it irritates you instead I wish I could make proper Geminis in KSP
  19. Elon Musk's Space Company 23rd letter of the alphabet Y Chromosome
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