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Posts posted by BuranAce

  1. I started my new mega station, the CSL (CASO Space Labratory). It is now able to hold crew, though its far from complete


    It will carry between 3 and 8 kerbals regularly. A shuttle will be launched soon to bring up crew, this is just the start of something amazing!

    I tried to dock, it failed. the docking port is too wide to fit in the cargo bay, an adaptor will be sent up soon. the shuttle will do its secondary task of launching a CubeSat and doing science before heading home empty handed.

  2. 4 minutes ago, ColdJ said:

    Waiter: Yes, that is so you can choose what type of soup you would like.

    Customer: Waiter, their is a media scum around the capsule that just parachuted into my soup.

    Let me get rid of them before they start calling every advancement in aerospace narcissistic and complain how we should use the money to feed the poor, maybe if they had braincells they wouldn't be poor Aggressively squashes the media Sorry about that, here's a free soup with no extra cost!

    Waiter! There is the entire Kerbol system in my soup!

  3. 5 minutes ago, kerbiloid said:

    Clever Kerbals.

    Silly ones fly by rockets.


    27 minutes ago, Som-Boi_lol said:

    That's why we can't find houses on Kerbin, only a space center.  And who lives in the space center? Thats right: normal kerbals kerbonauts!


    41 minutes ago, Som-Boi_lol said:

    What if kerbals are actually us in a lot of years? Earth was destroyed, but we sent an escape ship and found a Solar system-like system. We found Kerbin and moved there.

    Here is my theory

    There was once a lot more Kerbals but an asteroid hit Kerbin (hence the crater) and only a handful survived, so they are trying to find another habitable planet to colonize and abandon there scarred Kerbin.

    This is a rough theory but someone could go into it more in depth, maybe even make a lore series like Minecraft's Deep Dives.

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