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Posts posted by Adiri

  1. 19 hours ago, OneZero said:

    I am having the same issue, just fresh installed via ksp, playing with the tweaks in the waterfall manager seems that it's another effect other than waterfall.

    It’s a side effect of the way it’s set up. I had to bypass RealPlume so it caused some issues.

  2. 7 hours ago, The Dressian Exploder said:

    Has anyone encountered an issue where SRB sounds and plumes remain after an SRB has shut down? If so, what might cause it?

    Yes that’s a side effect of the way I set the sounds up. I didn’t find out a way to fix it but maybe Dan can.

  3. 23 hours ago, Kochi said:

    Heya people 

    From now, I'll be readopting the mod together with @dangaffa. Nothing New at the moment due to my focus being on a new mod I'm working when that's finished I would like to rewrite the mod to fix many of the bugs and just give an uplift to what it looks like. 
    Github Page: GitHub - dangaffa/RSMP: Remake of SWE. (Srb Waterfall Effects) 
    Spacedock Post: Solid Rockets Waterfall Effects on SpaceDock
    I would like to apologize over the drama with the mod being taken down and thank @JonnyOThan For Providing most of the Mod Support on the thread. 

    Thanks for your understanding :)

    In that case please make a new thread. This one is cluttered and old.

  4. 4 hours ago, JonnyOThan said:

    Would you be OK with someone else adopting it?  The license is very permissive so someone *could* do that without asking, but usually it's nice to get the blessing of the original author.

    @dangaffa has a fork on GitHub. I’ll tell them to send the link to it here if they wish.

  5. On 9/5/2023 at 2:47 AM, Delay said:

    I'm confused, didn't you already fix the RAM after I reported the same issue?

    I thought I did…I don’t remember. I don’t have much time to work on this mod so I am thinking of stopping (what little work I have done) work on it.

  6. 30 minutes ago, Krazy1 said:

    Found a plume issue with the Ram engine from Better SRBs mod. It is set far behind the nozzle. That's the only one I noticed like this. The Lance engine from that mod is good. 

    There's a typo in the config file... line 100, should be 0.37 not 30.37.



    Will fix it and upload it to github soon

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