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  1. Is Spectra currently truly incompatible with SSCEP? I've been using it lately but CKAN stops me from installing them together. I installed it manually and it seems to work... Maybe some CKAN info needs to be updated? (not sure if it is in SSCEP or Spectra). I get weird texture flickering on the Mun surface (and not other bodies) but looks like it is associated with Kopernicus (SSCEP requirement) and not the mod itself. Or... Is the real reason of incompatibility with Spectra the Kopernicus mod itself?
  2. BTW, is Spectra currently truly incompatible with SSCEP (Stock Scatter Collider Enabler Patch)? I've been using it lately but CKAN stops me from installing them together. I installed it manually and it seems to work... Maybe some CKAN info needs to be updated? (not sure if it is in SSCEP or Spectra). I get weird texture flickering on the Mun surface (and not other bodies) but looks like it is associated with Kopernicus (SSCEP requirement) and not the mod itself. Or... Is the real reason of incompatibility with Spectra the Kopernicus mod itself? Then it's sad. At least the sunflares still work fine (with downgraded Scatterer)!
  3. Very neat, I'll try it! Thanks. Is it by any chance compatible with waterfall engines sounds, do you know? That would be great. Ah, I see it, there is a config for that.
  4. So... I think it still kind of works, yes? At least somewhat. So looking forward to the full resurrection of this mod! It's a pity such a nice feature is still missing. Or am I missing an obvious replacement? Then tell me please.
  5. Don't think Kopernicus is even used in the current version of Spectra. Are you using the latest one? And I guess Spectra isn't compatible with any planetary expansions either way. So maybe just delete Kopernicus? If the question is how to make them work together than I don't know very much about it. But probably makes sense to look into Kopernicus configs and maybe at least reinstall them.
  6. Apparently not. Needed to downgrade it. And now I'm getting trouble making sunflares work again... Not sure why. The fix cfg file worked fine for me before but maybe I forgot how to apply it properly. UPD: got it working. Sunflare component of scatterer wasn't even installed, although CKAN listed it. Downloaded it manually and sunflares appeared, no need for the old fix. Just make sure to downgrade scatterer to 0772
  7. Didn't think it would allow me to set it to 0 if it wasn't safe
  8. I wanted such thing in stock YEARS ago! Can't believe it actually exists, my life is complete
  9. Something bad happened. Everything was working fine yesterday but after I opened CKAN and applied some updates Spectra clouds disappeared. And after several HOURS of messing with old and new versions of mods I just couldn't make it work again. I can't say for sure what exactly was changed but only one thing is certain: Spectra with Scatterer works fine until you add the ClickThroughBlocker. But if you don't install it other mods don't work. What I don't know is just how it all worked before with about ~10 graphical mods in total. No amount of reverting helped and now my KSP install is pretty much broken completely, CKAN tells some gibberish and I don't even know how to come back to the start of the problems. Nothing really works at all now. I'm desperate. Gonna have to reinstall all completely just to make it playable. Please tell me I'm not insane and Spectra really don't work with either new Scatterer or ClickThroughBlocker or something else??? I'd posted some logs if I wasn't so exhausted and lost... UPD False alarm! I think... I reinstalled everything exclusively with CKAN and after adding my presets it works fine again as far as I can tell. Even though SSCEP reports as incompatible with Spectra. And Toolbar controller lies about some buttons but it is a lesser concern. So maybe it was some random thing in the end. But I sure want to backup my gamedata folder before any future updates... UPD2 Looks like I've found the real culprit: If you set Quick Start skip menu delay to 0 seconds EVE can't kick in time to add the clouds. Going to menu and back fixes it. Still don't understand why Distant object enhancement isn't listed in Toolbar Controler and shows up only in Blizzy's toolbar (which I don't use) and Planet Shine vice versa...
  10. Does a revived version of this mod exist somewhere? It is looking pretty useful
  11. I actually wasn't replying to you, that's a coincidence that we posted at the same day I am using the latest game version which is 1.11 I suppose and downloaded the mod from the github link
  12. Is this thread alive? Thanks god! Came here to report some bugs. The mod works as I can tell, but some fuel tanks have glitching textures: That's a clean install on a new save.
  13. Had to do the same thing to fix the ID on my first ever mission of that type... Nice welcome to KSP after about 5 years break...
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