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Everything posted by Zaffre

  1. Crossed 1k downloads on Spacedock! Yahoo. ...Again, I am sorry for the massively inflated file. I do not know when that will be fixed, but when it is I intend on also optimizing the texture files.
  2. It is indeed a 2.5 meter part as noted in the description.
  3. Oh my goodness that's larger than I thought it would be. It looks great, and is that a retractable nozzle I spot? As for the name... LANTERN as previously stated fits the bill perfectly.
  4. At some point in the more distant future. I am burnt out for the most part and need some time off to play or work on something else before a major content update comes. I did have plans for objects around Porthos and Athos, but the plans were not concrete or interesting enough to satisfy my tastes. The Aramis system was also a greater priority. Rest assured that in the future, outside of fixes and optimizations, I will return for a content update. There are some self-perceived holes in the Aramis system I'd like to fill as well as confronting the void that is Porthos and Athos.
  5. It has been brought to my attention, courtesy of @DasSkelett, that the file is massively inflated due to the existence of a .git folder. That is not supposed to be in there, and is only there because it is hidden by default on UNIX-based platforms such as mac, which is what I run. So I apologize for the unreasonable size. With the next update I'll see to knocking that out. I do not know when that will be. In the meantime, if you do see a .git folder you will lose nothing by deleting it.
  6. Version 0.1.2 is up on GitHub. Spacedock is being problematic so it may be a while before this version is up on that platform. I promise it isn't me forgetting to check the publish button this time. Changelog
  7. Alright. Until it gets updated and changed officially however mods will smite derivations/continuations.
  8. At best we're getting a local cluster of stars. Maybe a tiny "galaxy" like what the old Kerbal Star Systems mod did, but I'm not banking on that. Galaxies are titanic, and with the named planets we've got, they won't be procedural generated like in Elite: Dangerous. No need for them to be. Some extra star systems on top of existing gameplay will be quite enough to play with.
  9. Is there any chance of there being a version change to allow for a license update so this can be maintained? Otherwise this is largely a dead-end.
  10. A congratulations and article well deserved. Frankly just about all of what I have seen from you should be in the stock game. Stock is... Lacking. A shadow of what it could be, putting it lightly. Here's to hoping KSP2 isn't a dumpster fire.
  11. See to it that your scatters are on and at 100%. You don't actually phase through the PQS ground itself. There's no secret sauce. Just LOTS of editing and time. Otherwise, you make them like other EVE textures/configs. I'll take a look at it when I can. There's nothing on me at the time where I can think of where this originates. At the moment I am overwhelmed with stuff and I cannot look at it right now. My mental health takes priority. But thank you.
  12. Oh my bloody gosh... sigh I cannot believe I screwed that up. I had changed their internal names to be more proper but left their old internal names on the destination... Thank you for pointing this out.
  13. Well I'd hope so! As well as looks, I primarily hope it plays good and is enjoyable. Looks aren't always everything. Nice. [For those who don't know, that is an old picture of Aeneas. New scatterer config for Aeneas has it actually appear with an atmosphere in scaledSpace] Clonos arrived via wormhole, which spits you right out in orbit around Aeneas. If you were to forgo the wormholes then yes. An interstellar trip is not a cake walk!
  14. Well, I have finally managed to get it uploaded on Spacedock. ...Took me long enough. Enjoy!
  15. Considering the stage of development, it is most likely a test scene. As we trundle closer to release we may get a glimpse at other environments as they look to show off different features.
  16. It could be just an artifact of testing or an effect of the helmets, but I'd love to see kerbals have different varieties and have unique individuals outside of "NPC" kerbals. It makes them feel like an actual species instead of generic copypaste #134875. Different hues like the colors of some plants, which can include a bluish green, all the way to purple, just as an example. The lack of diversity and features unique to an individual kerbal is something that has bothered me. Like, you'd imagine Jebediah and Valentina freakin' Kerman to have something to set them apart from just spacesuits. Heck, I wouldn't mind seeing customizable kerbals with a cheat menu or something. We'll have to see how it pans out. If it does take the clone approach, that will be thoroughly disappointing but hopefully mods will remedy that. [snip]
  17. It's worth to note that SQUAD themselves are separate from Take-Two and all things KSP. When Take-Two came along, they took up the KSP property and developers, not SQUAD. The latter would be of little use to a game company. Indeed. ...The roads remind me of those little foam or plastic road plates you'd stick together while in pre-school.
  18. Launch clamps? Good, good. Wind turbines? Awesome. ...Geothermal power plants? Colony roads? This is going to be a bit more in-depth than I thought. Looking forward to future peeks.
  19. Thanks to WarriorSabe there is now a ∆v map! Whoa, hello. Didn't expect to see ya. I suppose they're both similar in that pieces of real terrain were used in the creation of the terrestrial worlds. I also went and used shots from wood, rocks, and other mundane things. There's also the extra emphasis on scatters at least in terms of Beyond Home, which is one reason why of the system replacers to pair it with I'd probably recommend that one, as stylistically they fit together decently, albeit we still have our own styles and preferences.
  20. I was going to create a thread until I found this. With 1.12 being the final update in terms of content, will the Suggestions & Development Discussion subforum be retired?
  21. I do too. Though I imagine KSP will still have its share of players regardless. There are plenty of people out there that still play original games instead of their sequels. There's also nostalgia, performance, mods, comparisons, OS compatibility, affordability, etc, to consider as other factors. I'm probably missing a few other things.
  22. You'd have to be a madman or a troll to pronounce it with a J.
  23. Probably. Today KSP's final update was announced. ...Alas, it was bound to happen sometime.
  24. Well... With the recent news I suppose this really is a train now. Heading to another destination, whilst not entirely sure what to expect, but in the end... Leaving the past for good.
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