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Everything posted by RenZocFN

  1. Hi, I have a heavily modded version of Ksp 1.12.5. Once I boot up, I get no other warnings except for B9 Part Switch which gives me a serious warning (I have a pretty good knowledge about mods). This same Serious warning has popped up all three times that I have tried to reinstall ksp freshly. I have added an issue to B9 Part Switch's GitHub page but I have not received a reply after a few days. Hoping anybody can help, I have provided a screenshot and the Player.log. Some of the many mods I have installed are: Far Future Technologies, RO, RSS, RSSVE, Tundra Space Center, Technologies, and Exploration, and a bunch more. Player.log: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/wc5ui77m8xbmx3o2wjjoq/Player.log?rlkey=7jy07uj53floy9ymjdy1svtsk&dl=0 Serious Warning Screenshot: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/8vshsw5a21hzulnqnr15c/Screenshot-2023-08-07-102816.png?rlkey=64sta69oar818qdyr17aacrek&dl=0
  2. How do I get the FBX file for the Kerbal?
  3. hello, I installed AVP (Astronomers Visual Pack) I got the clouds, stars, and glow but did not get the auroras, So I went into the EVE Config Edit In-game and the "aurora.dds" file was missing, I tried installing the AVP from CKAN, It said everything was installed but It still did not have the file that I needed to have auroras. The Stars, clouds, and glows are working but not the clouds since the file are missing. I have also tried installing manually but it still did not work. can someone help? By the way, I do not have any other visual mods, but I have EVE, Scatterer, and AVP.
  4. Hi Everyone who probably plays KSP, I have a bug where I installed KSP 1.81 fresh install with no mods, and I just open up settings to change the res and graphic options, then it just gives me a black screen and it does not let me exit, everything else works fine, but the settings menu does not. can someone help? Black screen image here is my GameData Folder
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