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  1. That would be what I was working on. Basic stuff only, but I've still got those patches sitting around. Hypergolic: Fluorine: I have some more stuff for making some non-BDB engines have hypergolic switches, but its a bit too jank to share.
  2. Do you have any plans for what you'd want to do for 1.15? I can think of a few cool Saturn/Skylab and Viking parts that would be cool.
  3. Been working on a generic patch for Hypergolic and Fluorine fuels. These are still WIP but they work as-is and will not interfere with any other BDB patches. Hypergolic: Fluorine: I'm currently working on a variety of generic engine patches, but they need to be added in individually. If anyone has any suggestions feel free to DM me, I don't do this kind of coding often.
  4. I'm looking for a way to patch all parts except ones from a particular mod. Is there a way to filter a @PART[*] to exclude a single mod?
  5. I think you're talking about the smaller course corrections engines for Mariner. I meant the two big fabric covered orbital insertion engine/tank combos parts. Those use liquid fuel and OX currently. I wouldn't expect the course correction engines to use anything but Monopropellant, that makes sense. EDIT: I'll help you with that. There really do not seem to be many parts left that use Hypergolic fuels IRL. Clementine and the Gemini lander parts are the only two that immediately come to mind, but I'll keep digging.
  6. If anyone wants this now its actually a super straightforward patch. Pop this line of code into the BDB_HypergolicsUpdate or its own CFG.
  7. @Pappystein Do you have any plans of converting the Viking and Mariner propulsion parts to Hypergolics too? Both used MMH and NTO IRL.
  8. Would it be possible to make a 2.5m Atlas-V boattail/engine mount to use with other engines? Feels weird to have an external pipe that leads nothing.
  9. Until Dreamliner returns and fixes his links here is how to download and install EarthUHD; -Go to BallisticFox0's Discord. (invite link below) https://discord.gg/H6JMRyPxpT -Go to the rules channel and agree to them gain full channel access. -Open the KSRSS Reborn section. - Open KSRSS-installation text channel. - Earth UHD download is at the bottom of the second post. Download this and any one of the three texture packs. - Download and unzip (You will need 7zip to unpack the files properly.) -Install EarthUHD into GameData. You will also need BallisticFox's fork of Kopernicus. (linked below) https://github.com/ballisticfox/Kopernicus/releases BallisticFox also has HD Moon and HD Mars textures available, they look great!
  10. Yes. This is entirely accurate. Allow me to clarify what I am saying; - Is Parallax intended to be run with JNSQ? No, not in the slightest. - Do either author intend for you to use both mods? No. - Do they run the way the authors intended? No. - Can you do it anyways? Yes. - Would it work significantly better with a community patch? Absolutely. JNSQ is in no way designed to run with Parallax. Any compatibility is simply down to the fact that JNSQ uses default planet names for may bodies. Any new planets added by JNSQ will not be changed by running Parallax. Modified stock planets will have tessellation and ground scatter, however they will not function as intended. For a proper experience your best bet is to wait until a community patch is created.
  11. It can run without one, however there are a few issues. New planets added by JNSQ will have no scatter. All surface scatter is used uniformly across working planets due to how Parallax uses biome names in its blacklists. This is most noticeable on Kerbin where there is no under-sea plant life and icebergs are in all seas. I have also seen a few texture issues and floating objects, mainly on steep on slopes.
  12. Unless Cobalt wants to spice it up somehow, it should just be a new config file. The five man IVA already exists, and the model and textures are the same as the normal one.
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