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Hyperspace Industries

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Everything posted by Hyperspace Industries

  1. I did not know that, I will edit my post now to tell people that is an alternative, thanks for telling me.
  2. This mission is not very impressive, but I think it is interesting enough to get a tiny mission report: After watching virgin galactic's spaceship 2 fly with passengers, I decided to do a similar mission in ksp, my plane was comparatively tiny and I decided not to have folding wings, but I replicated the landing skid with a small non plane type landing gear at the front, I had one crewmember, (the carrier craft was basically a wing with engines and parachutes attached with a radial decoupler). I took off from the desert runway from making history, and for the first while, my plane kept banking down, so I had to correct for that, once I got bored of slowly climbing with jets, I set the throttle to zero, and decoupled from the wing, expecting it's parachutes to violently pull it backwards, but I forgot that jet engines take time to throttle, so it went forward while I pulled up with the spaceplane and ignited the engine, just as it's parachutes opened, after that I used the plane's engine to get suborbital, and then on reentry, the plane was in a constant nosedive until I was going slow enough to pull up and stay up, unfortunately I was in the absolute worst terrain to land, so on my first landing attempt I deployed all of my drogue chutes and only one part broke, unfortunately that happened to be the cockpit. I reverted to a quicksave after reentry and immediately turned to the left, on that landing attempt I deployed my drogue chutes earlier, and when I crashed into the hill some stuff exploded, I think it was the two rtg's I bolted to the front, but otherwise it was intact, I immediately quicksaved, and then timewarped until it had stopped sliding enough to recover it. And that's a wrap! I also made a video of it if you are not in the mood for reading: https://youtu.be/tpJ9wx-HOm4
  3. There are a gazillion different reasons you might want to remove a part from a mod, be it that you want to free up memory, you don't like the part, you never use it, or anything else. This is a basic tutorial of how to remove parts from mods, it won't work everywhere, but, in my experience I haven't had any problems. There is also an alternative in the form of the janitor's closet mod check out the reply from @zer0Kerbalfor more info. Anyways:You will need 1 piece of software, namely a cfg file editor (a cfg file is the code for a ksp part, it is basically a different type of notepad file, but notepad can't open it.) I got one for free from the Microsoft store, it works perfectly. The first step is to open your ksp gamedata folder, (you should be familiar with how to do this if you installed mods) step 2 is to find the mod you want, open it, and inside it you must find and open the parts folder, step 3 is to once you are inside the parts folder, try to find the parts you do not want, it may not be immediately obvious what parts are the ones you should delete, which is why we need the cfg opener, with it you can open a part's cfg file and go down to see it's title, ignore any weird code after it says title = and go to after the code, where it will say the name which shows in the vab, once you are sure this is the part you want to delete, just delete the cfg file, and you're done! This may break your mods, so I recommend making a sandbox game save called something like mod test 1 which you play in everytime you do this just to see that there are no bugs, after you know there are no bugs, you can play your normal saves.
  4. I did not expect to get even into the honorable mentions! mostly on account of not knowing this contest existed but also I am honored to have people think my thread was worth mentioning. (by the way if you are interested in posting on that thread, please go into a little more detail than just what mode you play on, for example what ships you like to build or what you like to do)
  5. On a more ksp2 related note, if the devs add mod support like they have promised multiple times, due to the coding capability of ksp modders, microtransactions and other predatory tactics will almost certainly be bypassed by the modders within 2 days of release, the devs are smart enough to know this, and they also know that if they don't add mod support, very few people will buy the game, (compared to with support). So hopefully we're in the clear. Yes, I know my optimistic side is showing.
  6. The reason she survives everything is her encounter with the kraken, which in a very odd show of empathy for kerbal kind (my theory is that Danny has not yet met this kraken and taught it to be evil) gave her super-kerbal abilities such as the aforementioned durability, and, in some cases even teleportation and maybe even quicksaving/loading or spaghettification. It also went back and modified earlier autosaves and gave her the durability in the past.
  7. I don't know, but a it probably gets used by the taumoeba and what's left of the astrophage gets turned into the gunk and methane, the reason this can work is because while astrophage carry a ridiculous amount of energy, that is distributed over many as in millions if not billions of cells, therefore making it possible for a taumoeba to eat an astrophage without having to dissapate a volcano's yearly heat output in one blast. Just a theory, but I think it matches well with things in the book. edit: @Saarthakhas replied with a much better and more logical theory.
  8. Sorry, but I'm not sure, but I think it was in a shadowzone interview, it was basically one sentence in which he mentioned it.
  9. A kas type winch, could be a lot of fun, you could rescue things off of planets by winching them into a cargo bay, or you could land a large lander and deploy a rover from high up, and later pull it back up again. Nate already said they were working on relativistic effects, in an interview.
  10. Boy, do I hope that there is some kind of analog to Kepler 1520b (henceforth refered to as k1520b) in ksp 2, k1520b is a real life exoplanet orbiting so close to its star, it is evaporating, (or to be precise, sublimating), we think it has already lost 70% of it’s mass, all that’s left is the iron core, much like Charr was described by Nate Simpson. Even if it is another planet than Charr I would love a k1520b analog. Very challenging to explore, pretty much entirely due to heat, k1520b has less mass than the moon. Sorry, I probably should have put this in the discussion thread and not the suggestions one.
  11. Didn't think about that, but, because this is not really a challenge, yes.
  12. Simple construction's craft finder opens, but I can't see any of my crafts, and I can't close it, even if I go to ksp's main menu, the window does close. I got it from ckan. I also have not so simple construction.
  13. I mostly play in sandbox, both modded and stock, my favorite thing to do is to land on, and explore planets, although I am capable of sending spacecraft to the planets, moons, and in some cases stars I want to go to, I find the challenge annoying, so, I usually, (somewhat shamefully) use the cheat menu to put them in orbit around the planet/moon I want to explore, from there I land them, although I occasionally challenge myself to do a full mission from kerbin, I especially enjoy doing suborbital spaceplane missions, like the x15 or virgin galactic's spaceship 2. Anyways that's just me, and I'd love to hear what you like doing in ksp, how you play it, and other things about the way you like to play ksp.
  14. It is huge! I estimated it is 60 by 35 meters, so, will it compress down, split up, be assembled by kerbals, or something else? I’d love to hear from anyone.
  15. No, the spacex photos are not from the game, they are from spacex.
  16. I'm not mad, that was actually my problem, must have pressed it by accident and not noticed, it's always the simplest mistakes that are the hardest to catch. Thanks for the help. It is greatly appreciated.
  17. I would hope for something on the vab/colony vab system, or something on the map view, relativistic effects, or surface exploration. Actually anything new would be good.
  18. I cannot quicksave: every time I press Keypad5 (I changed it to keypad 5 and 9 to make quicksaving and loading easier: it worked perfectly until now), nothing happens, no message or anything else, if I try to quickload nothing happens either. I have checked and it is not due to: being offline, the controls having changed, me having quicksaving/loading off or ckan (i have no mods but I still had ckan, I deleted it and nothing changed), I can still quicksave with Esc, but it is really annoying, I could still work in 1.12 and earlier in 1.12.1. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  19. This is more of a mission idea than a challenge, but it still has rules. The mission is to launch a spaceplane suborbital, from the cove launch site, and land it like a seaplane on the water. Both dlc's are allowed, only visual mods and quality of life mods like trajectories are allowed, (no part mods planet mods or hyperedit), and the debug menu is completely banned. A max of 2 radial drogue shutes are allowed. You must carry at least one crew member, and any plane type landing is allowed as long as all the crew survives. You can either launch like the space shuttle/dreamchaser, (take off like a rocket from the pad), or you can takeoff like a seaplane in the water. You do not have to submit anything, since this is not a competition, but I would like to see what you can come up with. Screenshots and videos are allowed. Screenshots should contain the following: 1. Your ship on the cove launchpad 2. (only for seaplane type takeoffs) your plane in the water 3. After liftoff 4. Your ship at a minimum of 70000m above Kerbin. 5. Your ship reentering the atmosphere. 6. (optional) your plane coming in to land. 7. Your plane after landing/crash-landing. My attempt: Ksp my attempt at the flying fish challenge - Imgur Edit: I uploaded a video version too:
  20. Well, Ovin is not red, and the rings are not around this Duna lookalike, it may very well be that they used Duna’s model as a stand-in for a prototype moon, or they just made this as a backdrop? Ovin does appear earlier in the video, but around the 1:02 / 1:03 mark there is duna, with it’s polar ice caps
  21. In a old show and tell for ksp2 I spotted something odd, at 1:02 the kerbals dance in front of something that looks like duna, but in the background, instead of empty space there is what appears to be rings, which indicates this is a moon of a ringed planet. The video:
  22. I am very excited for ksp2 and want to make ksp1 like it with mods, I don't need big visual mods, or the exact same alternate solar systems, but I want interstellar travel, colonies, propulsion, and colony based orbital construction, I want to use Interstellar extended but it has a lot of parts I don't need or want, so if there is a method of easily removing parts from a mod it would be useful. I don't want life support. Any suggestions would be helpful. (by the way: it only needs to be similar to ksp2 not identical.) Update: I found the mev heavy aerospace mod which has all the things I need from interstellar extended (torch + daedelus drives) I got stockish Orion drive, reusibility expansion for it’s landing legs, and extraplanetary launch pads. Unfortunately there are no metallic hydrogen mods (that I know of). This is only a basic substitute, and won’t be as good as the real thing of course!
  23. @Kekkie Thanks a lot, with autostrut I got up to 20x physical time warp, and I got the beetle up to 8000000m/s before getting bored This was just a test, but I think the beetle design is ready, although I do want to remove 1 fuel tank, because this thing has more than enough delta V I go from kerbin to tau ceti, because I can target tau ceti on the map. I think beetle development on my part is mostly done and you can perform your own tests, but I am not yet finished with this project
  24. @Kekkie @Janus92 I got good news and bad news: Good news: I got better time warp to work! Bad news: The millisecond I went to 10 times physics warp while the beetle prototype was accelerating, the kraken ripped it into a gazillion pieces I think the 100+g acceleration is to blame, so, the hail kary will probably work, but the beetles are the problem. Any suggestions on how to fix this?
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