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  1. Does Anyone Here Have Code for a 16x2 lcd with i2c that displays altitude and speed/ apoapsis-periapsis
  2. Does Anyone Here Have Code for a 16x2 lcd with i2c that displays altitude and speed/ apoapsis-periapsis
  3. How do you install this I am having trouble getting it to work
  4. Cannot Press Anything On The Main Menu. When I put my mouse over the buttons, they change color and same thing when I click them but it still stays at the Main Menu Can You help Me? Modlist: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ke2GtSAEaqP4JL_HkDOirwjIWPcOc9il/view?usp=sharing Log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17sdYOBQwAlTg-vwuBMFOELiN4xVBL9gE/view?usp=sharing
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