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    too young for that, I but use discord troggns#7894

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  • About me
    Plane enthusiast
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    Somewhere on the east coast of continental US
  • Interests
    Gaming, Aircraft, Space, History (not the red-flag-raising part), Math, Rock/Grunge/Metal music

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  1. I see this word everywhere to refer to a shade of red, but why is this word only used around BDB? did you guys just make up a word for a color? Google only returns KSP stuff
  2. While this image is still fresh, what's the policy on flotation devices for capsules like in this picture? Is it "Gee we never thought to implement these, We'll get right to it" or "Screw you and your stupid kiddie floaties, go bother someone else about it"?
  3. BDB development is so cool but its like I'm watching on the sidelines with playing Realism Overhaul. I hope RP1 can incorporate more BDB parts in the future Edit: just realized that was 3 pages ago but my point stands. You guys are doing an amazing job!
  4. Been really interested in the F-104 recently, mostly because my RP-1 contract needs Mach 2 broken and it's the coolest looking plane for the job. Is it a stretch to ask about the NF-104? Maybe just the AR2-3 on the back of it? Possibly a stretch. Buuuuuuut X-15 IS a plane, so.... At least, what is your personal opinion on the plane regardless of BDB, @CobaltWolf?
  5. I personally would not hold my breath. There is the ACK mod already on CKAN, though, which has many similar parts. Other mods like ORANGES and PhotonCorp add more tanks and SRBs to choose from but they have to be installed manually.
  6. Recorded above is the conversation over the phone between the X-15 engineers and administration after the discovery that extreme weight-reduction measures would have to be put in place for the plane to reach altitude and speed goals
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