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Everything posted by ferram4

  1. @Kniben: Hopefully you can then point me towards some data and models to implement. I'm not very good at implementing feelings, I am good at implementing the USAF DATCOM. Then again, considering all these vehicles are coming down with no flaps or spoilers deployed, I'm not too surprised actually. The odd thing is that FAR should be overestimating subsonic drag because of the assumptions is makes. It's optimized to handle supersonic drag, and that leads to subsonic drag being a bit higher than it should be. @somnambulist: I could not reproduce the issue. In addition, FAR will not even attempt to do anything with RealChute modules; confirm that inside GameData/FerramAerospaceResearch that there is a file FARPartClassification.cfg with a block "ExemptModule" that has a line with the value "RealChuteModule". Then confirm that it also has that for CustomFARPartClassification.cfg.
  2. @uraa: Those are "errorss" printed by the stock game because of how it handles PartModule loading. Perfectly fine and expected. @LostOblivion: Given the PartModule loading / saving fiasco, I think it would be best to consider everything pre-0.24 to be scrap. Although the thing is, what you posted would only be called at the very beginning of the game loading, which means you didn't post the error (if there was any). Post an full copy of your output_log.txt.
  3. I don't know the answers to any of those, I'm a not a modeller. However, FAR uses collision meshes to determine what's going on with a wing part, so if the CoL is wrong, it's probably due to collider errors on the part they're being attached to.
  4. Version is up with 0.24.2 compatibility, some attempts and bugfixing the UI, and some tweaks to the airbreathing nerf. In particular,y htey should make quite a bit more thrust static and on the runway, and only a little bit more in high-velocity flight. @Grunf911: You know that fuel consumption does not work that way, since it's measured relative to thrust, right? Cutting the thrust of the engine in half results in it burning half the fuel, not making half the thrust for the same amount of fuel. Your only losses to efficiency would have been needing to carry more engines. @Hodo: Yes, FAR shouldn't have to tweak jet engines. But. Lots of users throw on FAR and don't include AJE. I'm also quite tired of going on reddit and seeing the "LOL FAR MAKZ DA PLANZ GO FASTA" kinda stuff. It doesn't affect AJE users, and it fixes something that was obviously balanced only against stock drag, so I think it's acceptable and (just barely) within scope.
  5. It's caused by the colliders on the fuselage parts. Nothing I can do to fix it.
  6. That's already doable for the active vessel; all the activeControlSys get functions will provide that sort of stuff already.
  7. No, the turbojet making 80 is intended. You would be hard-pressed to find a real-life 1.25m diameter turbojet that made more than 100 kN. Dropping the thrust down to 180 would leave the issue ultimately unsolved.
  8. @Thorfinn: Calculation CLMax isn't exactly trivial... I'll see what I can do though. (Welp, this is what I get for adding the beginnings of an API; never do that again ) @Tsuki: Umm... wikipedia isn't too bad to start with actually. Anything I send you at is either going to be thick textbooks or technical papers, which you might not want to get into. @R0cketC0der: I think I can get you all the aerodynamic coefficients for a vessel if you can input altitude and velocity; sound good? @Maxwell Fern: No, but I can expect people to read the latest posts of a topic and to use the search feature; it's not a frequently asked question though, not deserving of going into the OP. And what I meant was that if people actually read the topic before posting asking about a question, the answers to those questions won't get buried by repeated questions of those unwilling to read or search. @Grunf911: Well, based on some quick testing, it does seem underpowered. However, I can't just make it more powerful than the turbojet without a good bit of balance, so air-breathing fuel efficiency will have to take a big hit.
  9. @Renegrade: The only way that could be happening is if somehow, the active FARControlSys is constantly switching between the current vessel and something else, but it's forced to go to the activeVessel, so unless some mod is playing with FlightGlobals.activeVessel there's not much I can do. All the messages in the log are the way they're supposed to be. Ideally, they would have gotten to adding the one bool I wanted on PartModules that would allow me to flag them as "don't save this one" to avoid log spam, but that didn't happen. @Grunf911: Seriously, you don't need that many engines. Take a more moderate ascent path, and you won't have to worry about tailstrikes like that thing will.
  10. The B9 engines have "reasonable" figures for the velocity curves, but the overall thrust is still in the "way too much" range, IMO. They are still set up to function in stock atmospheres.
  11. @dtoxic: That's a problem with x64, nothing I can do about it. Try again and I guarantee you'll find something else in the next crash you have, and sometimes it'll be stock code. @kuss: Sure. Recompile the source, and accept that sometimes your vehicle will spontaneously explode coming out of timewarp due to physics glitches. There's a reason it can't be disabled by config. @pss88: Part welding is possible, but outside the scope of this mod. KJR only seeks to strengthen joints, not turn the entire vehicle into a gigantic, indivisible rigid body.
  12. I don't see any obvious errors. What parts are causing this issue? If it is not all of them, then that means that it is an issue with parts that have not been configured to support FAR; at that point you would be best served by contacting the mod author to get them to support FAR. Does it happen on a clean-built craft? Does it only happen on saved crafts?
  13. v0.13.3. Which has bugs that have been fixed; you will need to update to v0.14.1 or else you're outta luck for getting bugfixes.
  14. I need the whole thing in order to know what happened before everything started to break and how the breaking occurred. There's a reason I specified the whole thing, and it's not because I like downloading huge files. Just because the rest of FAR works doesn't mean the wings work, since they run on different code.
  15. If you right-clicked the stock control surfaces and didn't see anything in the editor, then somehow the stock control surface behavior has been removed, but FAR's isn't being added. In any case, output_log.txt please.
  16. I can't replicate the behavior you describe; post a full copy of your output_log.txt.
  17. So version 0.14.1 is out, fixing some issues, 0.24.1 compatibility, and tweaking the air-breathers down a bit, thanks to Renegrade, so blame him if you don't like it.
  18. Part of me wonders if the ModuleManager tweaks were applied properly. @TeiwazVIE: When you right-click on the control surfaces, do you have the option to set them to be flaps or spoilers? If you don't, you have installed FAR / ModuleManager incorrectly and that is the source of your issues.
  19. @Kolago: Then that sounds like the chute is producing more drag than it should. In that case, it's outside my control as I ignore all the drag added (in any form) by RealChute. In any case, 4 gs is going to be a problem no matter the configuration. You should probably get rid of half the engines to start with, and then remove a few more.
  20. @thylordroot: Probably a minor asymmetry in the craft design caused by floating point errors that's compounded over time. That should be easily controllable with thrust vectoring. @Kolago: Is your rocket stable in all the configurations it will be in while inside the atmosphere? Is it's TWR below 2? @Maxwell Fern: There was a workaround posted a few pages ago; reading the topic before posting would have allowed it to stay closer to the top for other users like yourself that are looking for that solution. @Entropius: Ack! What happened to the formatting it's just a wall of text?! Anyway, best I can tell is that you're running an out-of-date version of FAR; it looks like this is a bug that was fixed several versions ago.
  21. @Entropius: No, I need the whole thing. None of that tells me how it ended up NaN in the first place.
  22. Upload your output log (NOT ksp.log) to dropbox or something. Windows: KSP_win\KSP_Data\output_log.txt Mac OSX: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'files'. Scroll down the list and find the Unity drop down, under Unity there will be Player.log Aka Files>~/Library/Logs>Unity>Player.log Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/Player.log
  23. @Jetsim: Provide your output_log and full reproduction steps, and have the decency to wait before bumping. I have done exactly as you described many times and have never seen that behavior, so without more data, I cannot even hope to cause your issue. @Kniben: The FARDebugMenu allows you to scale up all the aerodynamic forces by increasing the area factor. Increase it to something between 2-10 (depending on what you're using for numbers) and you'll have the fun of lift forces well beyond what they should be. You'll also have the fun of command pods behaving like leaves, but that's what you asked for. FAR is an attempt to implement fully realistic aerodynamics in KSP. I will not sacrifice accuracy for the sake of staying closer to a drag model that has no basis in reality.
  24. @Renegrade: Make the plane bigger. Seriously, it lets you add a lot more wing than you think for the mass. @andrehsu: That's the plan. @Entropius: Something broke, which means you need to post the output_log.txt.
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