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    Federal P-zzz-yop
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    FBI Surveillance Van #297
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    You and your peculiar internet history

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  1. Getting errors like this for every group I have, instances don't load in, and when I do build something, press save, and reopen the game they don't load in. [LOG 10:30:17.152] KK: [GroupCenter] SetInstancesEnabled: Setting Group KSC_Builtin: active state form: True to: False [LOG 10:30:17.152] KK: [GroupCenter] SetInstancesEnabled: Setting Group CapeCanaveral: active state form: True to: False Edit: for some reason, KSCextended was messing with it. Not sure how.
  2. One of the best KSP projects I have ever been in.* *wasp has only participated in this KSP project WI WAS HERE
  3. I sorta understand this, but why close down the Github with the 43k textures?
  4. quick question, how do we know that we have them?
  5. i was wondering when someone was gonna make furry kerbals, instant download
  6. so i just installed the KVE medium cubemaps and this is what the game looks like (https://imgur.com/a/6OzDp0U) i'm using Scatterer 0.772
  7. I've been having issues with the 2.5x KSRSS terrain, mostly because it appears that most landmasses are just cloud layers and not physical. I wanna know if this is an issue with 2.5x only and if there is a fix/patch for this First image shows earth from a couple km up, maybe space https://imgur.com/IlYc9Rh Second image shows close to the ground https://imgur.com/yLSqMA6
  8. I've been having issues with KSRSS Kerbal Konstructs in 1.12.2, seeing as the Kerbal Konstructs launch pad selector not matching up with the in-game one, and if both launch pads aren't at each one, the rocket launches at the default pad.
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