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Everything posted by Kerb24

  1. Welcome to the A.A.P. Challenge! Okay, so this challenge is fairly simple: use Apollo tech to go as far as you can. What counts as Apollo tech? The Mk1-3 Command pod, Mk2 Command pod, Mk1 Command Pod, and the M.E.M are the only command pods that can be used in this challenge (Probe cores can be used, but the craft does need crew on board for most of the mission). Also, the only engines that can be used are the Mastodon, Skiff, Wolfhound, Spark, Terrier, Reliant, Swivel, Thud, Ant, and Spider. Electric motors from BG can also be used. No kraken drives. Also, no ISRUs. All other parts are good (May change). Also, any craft made for this challenge needs to have a Mk1-3 Command pod, and a service module. A service module is made of a SM-25 Service module and can contain whatever you want. So how do you get points? Well first, this challenge only involves one flight, though assembly in LKO is allowed. To earn points, that one flight must go to difficult planets and moons to visit. The following is a chart of the scores for landing on or doing a flyby of each planet and moon. (Also, multiple planets and moons can be visited, and the points will stack.) Planet / Moon Score for landing (And returning) Score for Flyby (And returning) Tylo, Eve, Moho. 10 5 Duna, Eeloo, Laythe, Vall, 5 3 Gilly, Minmus, Mun, Bop, Pol, Ike, Dres. 2 1 Kerbol (If you can land on the Sun and return, I would be extremely impressed) Not possible in any way. Leader board: Username: Number of Points: Death Engineering 19 Badge: Please comment if anything is unclear, unfair, or anything like that. Please enjoy. Challenge will end when I decide it has run its course.
  2. Thou shalt turn on destroyable buildings.
  3. I quicksave every time I do a burn, complete a burn, land, take off, go on a EVA, and time warp.
  4. Thou shalt not try to figure out how to download mods and instead just play stock.
  5. Thou shalt still try to continue the mission even if they are missing a component.
  6. Thou shalt deploy all solar panels as soon as possible.
  7. I have a way to keep the Minmus is a dessert joke. Just say Minmus has upgraded from Ice cream to hard candy.
  8. Thou shalt forget about kerbals that are at space stations/ surface bases.
  9. Thou shalt build massive space stations for no reason.
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