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SSTO Crasher

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Everything posted by SSTO Crasher

  1. 9 the positives have gone wild again @Nazalassa where are you the line has collapsed
  2. My score is now 31 though so it is valid -30 New page, new luck only for negatives though
  3. After that the negatives organized a swift counterattack that drove the positives back from their lands. After that the positives engaged in an offensive into uninhabited positive lands, which they won easily. To try to turn the tides the negatives fortified their border and invaded the resource filled island to the east of them, the positives fought very hard and the most brutal attritional battles were fought on that island with huge casualties, by the time of writing this the positives have been almost completely driven off the island 16 This is just the third war
  4. Here’s my version of the history a few years ago there was the numbers Union, which was a loose union between to positives and negatives. They we rivals and there was tension but for the most part there was peace. In the Nation there was an interesting system of government where there were 2 council lands, the lands that were controlled by the negative republic, and the lands controlled by the positive Empire before unification, each of the lands were ruled independently by a council, and there was a national council that kept the peace between the two. And for the last few years a faction called the photons begrab gaining popularity in proton city, the positive capital. the photons wanted to destroy the union and recreate the positive empire. They created a plan to destroy the negatives, but the negatives found out and were going to publish what they found, so the positives invoked martial law and invaded negative lands. They punched all the way to the 30s before the negative army was able to mobilize and fight back. 18
  5. I’m going to circumnavigate gilly
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