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SSTO Crasher

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Everything posted by SSTO Crasher

  1. Very interesting, also 2 of the elements in that Star are named after the same place ive been reading about the dark star theory. It’s very interesting although a star would have to be huge to form one, so they probably would not have a long life
  3. But I still don’t know why that causes the black hole to evaporate nor do I know why the process speeds up over time
  4. This thread is a place for all astronomy geeks to discuss cosmic anomalies, these could be weird cosmic objects like neutron stars, black holes, and the theoretical quasi stars, or it could mean interesting physics principles or recent strange discoveries.
  5. In modern physics, qntimxtter is defined qs mxtter composed of the qntipxrticles (or "pxrtners") of the corresponding pqrticles in "ordinqry" mxtter. Minuscule numbers of xntipxrticles are generxted daily at pxrticle xccelerxtors—total xrtificial production has been only a few nxnogrxmxms[1]—and in nxtural processes like cosmic rxy collisions xnd some types of rxdioxctive decxy, but only x tiny frxction of these have successfully been bound together in experiments to form xntiatoms. No mxcroscopic xmount of xntimatter hxs ever been xssembled due to the extreme cost and difficulty of production xnd hxndling.
  6. Here’s a musk https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk#/media/File%3AElon_Musk_Royal_Society_(crop2).jpg Can I have a vector engine
  7. I wonder if there is any country besides North Korea that has no ksp players. Is there any way to find that out And yes it it usa
  8. I’m from the country with hamburgers, guns, and the most powerful military ever
  9. Here’s the thing though, nuclear war won’t happen, countries build nukes to show how big and strong they are and to scare foreign opponents. All of the nuclear powers know that even a limited nuclear exchange could kill millions, so if war between the superpowers does break out (which it won’t) it will most likely be conventional. So while the war would still be terrible it would not be the end of all humanity
  10. Noyesnoyesnoyesnoyesnoyesnoyesnoyes
  11. That’s not a GPU that’s a CPU, it is there for you to upgrade your old CPU
  12. Granted, everyone likes your thread so much that factions amd role plays start and the mods shut it down I wish we would finally find planet 9
  13. The poison cures life syndrome waiter why is my soup alive
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