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Everything posted by Royalswissarmyknife

  1. do you use JNSQ there's a fix for it in that forum
  2. I think it's also advertisement for their launcher too
  3. Sorry for so many questions but do you plan on adding older stuff that isn't covered in KNES like Astris?
  4. My rocket Bad idea 3 possibly could have returned my Kerbals maybe if I didn't blow up the engine and fuel tank on landing
  5. Just Stranded Bill, Jeb and Bob on the Mun also, what are the target nodes for?
  6. I have crashed Jeb, Bill and Bob into The Mun 6 times now still trying to land. the lack of a delta V map and readout makes it hard
  7. Do you use windows or mac? Maybe try reinstalling because mine does have a ksp.exe
  8. Are you going into the ksp file and clicking on ksp.exe Also Maybe try to unzip the file if you haven't
  9. I will 100% use this mod when it comes out Also do you have any plans for Susie? Just Wondering
  10. This is a great idea can't wait to see what creations result from it.
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